Tuesday, February 11, 2025

3 Major Differences Between New Year's Resolutions and Intentions


We have finally come to the end of another year, a year that disrupted our way of life right at the nuclear level. It's been a roller coaster of a year, both humbling and eye-opening for everybody. The biggest eye-opener was no doubt the fickle nature of life - how things can drastically change literally overnight.

I'm guessing at the start of the last new year, you made New Year's resolutions, with all the plans to drink more water and wake up earlier, etc. Then life got interrupted, the pandemic hit, and suddenly those resolutions didn't matter all. It was all about survival. However, you made it through and now it's that time of the year again where you whip out your notebook or planner and write out a long list of resolutions for the coming year.

Here's an idea. If you didn't, Don't.

Ever wondered why you keep writing out those resolutions even though you know that you will have tossed them out by February? The honest truth is, resolutions don't work.

But you know what does? Intentions.

Let's look at the three major differences between resolutions and intentions, showing you why one is a recipe for a successful year, and the other is a setup for failure.

Let's begin.

1. They have different connotations

The word resolution comes from the word resolve, which means to find a solution to a problem or "settle a contentious matter" according to Oxford Languages. Already, you can see how this would have a negative impact on how you view your life. The act of setting a resolution immediately implies that you are dissatisfied with some aspect of your life and you want to change it. Don't get me wrong, self-improvement is a vital part of becoming the best version of yourself, and creating success. However, we also spend way too much time focusing on the problems in our lives and how to fix them that we forget to look at the positive side of things and be grateful for it.

Where resolutions are corrective, intentions are creative. Intention comes from the word intent, which means to plan or aim at something. Unlike resolutions, setting intentions implies that you are in control of what happens. Intentions are positive in that they don't make you think there is something inherently wrong with your life as it currently is. Rather, they allow you to identify opportunities for growth, which is a much more positive outlook than trying to plug a hole in your life.

Summary: Resolutions give negative connotations of correction, while intentions give positive connotations of creation.

2. Tradition vs Purpose

New Year's resolutions have become more of a tradition in people's lives rather than something that holds true meaning. For most people, setting New Year's resolutions is just as much a part of the New Year's celebrations. Though it might be fun during the moment, neither the resolutions nor the celebration lasts for a long time. Because of this, resolutions can actually become impersonal, with people writing goals that are connected to their core values, or things or changes that are important. This is one of the reasons why gym memberships go up in January - everyone thinks they are expected to lose weight and be healthier, but only a handful of people are able to stick with it.

Those that do stick with the habit have one thing in common: they align their intention for losing weight and being healthier to their overall life purpose. This is exactly what intentions are supposed to do. An intention points you towards what is important to you, and your purpose which makes it easier for you to live out that intention each day. They align with your core beliefs about yourself, your surroundings and your experiences and they work within this unique context to help you achieve your biggest goals. That's why intentions stick for much longer than resolutions do.

Summary: Resolutions are a mere tradition hence why they are short-lived, while intentions align with your core beliefs and your life's purpose hence why they last longer.

3. Rigid vs flexible

Ever wondered why you feel deflated when you realize you can't stick to your resolutions for the year? For a lot of people, this feeling is overwhelming and sets a negative precedent for the remainder of the year. The reason for this is that resolutions are inherently rigid in nature. When you set a resolution, it's almost as if it has been written in stone and changing it halfway through the year - let alone right at the beginning of the year as in most cases - means you have failed. In this way, setting new year's resolutions becomes a trap that you lay for yourself, one that will spoil the rest of your year.

Intentions, on the other hand, are flexible and can change depending on your situation. As 2020 has taught us all, life is not rigid. Things can change in the blink of an eye and you need to make the necessary adjustments quickly in order to come out on top. When you set your intentions, you understand that they are malleable and can be fine-tuned to suit whatever situation you find yourself in. Because they are aligned with your purpose, intentions also help to keep you centered on the right path without restricting you to any particular way of life.

Summary: Resolutions are rigid and a setup for failure, while intentions are malleable and can be adapted to suit whatever situation you find yourself in.

As you continue to with developing your life, career, and business plans for the coming year, think deeply about what you would like to achieve, where you see yourself in the short-term and long-term, and how you would like to get there. This new year, why don't you try something different? Chuck your resolutions list aside and work on setting intentions that resonate with your core values.

What are your thoughts on intentions and resolutions? Drop a comment below and let's have a conversation. If you found this article helpful be sure to share it with your friends and family and let's all succeed in this new year!

Here's to a healthy and successful new year!

Tawawn is a certified life coach, change management and Myers-Briggs practitioner who assist and teach individuals and organizations how to drive change that lead to successful personal and professional results. She inspires and provides the tools for individuals to make significant changes that leads to personal and professional transformation, maximized potential, transform visions into achievable goals, and goals into results. To learn more, or get a free 30-minute consultations https://tawawn.com/consultations/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10402754

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Your Heart's Desire? Or Your Mind's Expectations?


Here's a story that'd be cliché if it weren't so tragic.

Someone studies hard in school because they want to get into a top-tier university.

Then they study hard there because they want to join a top-tier law firm.

They've spent a significant chunk of their life grinding themselves to paste... and yet, the story has just begun. They start as the lowliest of the low, doing mostly menial jobs, more studying and occasionally something meaningful.

It takes years before they're trusted with anything real.

But they can there.

And if they work hard and put their career first, it'll only take them decades to earn wealth, prestige and a nice title...

... only to realise this isn't what they wanted.

Their whole life dedicated towards a goal that wasn't even theirs.

And, honestly?

These are the lucky ones. At least they realised it eventually.

This is an extremely common hazard in life: mistaking other people's thoughts for your own. Someone else equates happiness with status, wealth or shallow physical beauty, and you pick up on it.

Only, getting all those things won't make you happy.

In fact, they make terrible goals. They tend to come as a side effect of real success. Doing what you love and meeting a pressing need can be profitable, indeed.

The word loves problem-solvers, so it brings status.

As for beauty? Well, anyone who radiates genuine satisfaction and a sense of purpose is naturally more attractive, no matter how they look.

These are guarantees, of course.

And you don't change the world to get these things.

But there's an important lesson here anyway:

Before you craft any affirmations...

Get really clear about what you want.

When you chase after something you think you want, but don't... well, let's just say many of my clients come to me because of that. They need my help to unwrangle the mess this has done in their minds.

Once they let go of their dirty goals and find what would really make them happy?

They become completely different people.

They glow, radiate and sparkle.

More than that, they burn with a new-found purpose. It's amazing how easy it is to work five times as hard, when it's towards something you truly believe in.

So my advice?

Get it right now.

Don't fall into the trap of reciting an affirmation that isn't yours.

If it's something that resonates with you, you'll stick with it, dig deep, press on through all obstacles and emerge stronger.

There are two ways to do affirmations:

There's the easy way, where you stick a note on your fridge and pretend it'll work.

Then there's the right way.

Affirmations aren't a shortcut to better things. They take discipline and persistence. But I pity anyone who doesn't sharpen their mind and focus every day.

Learn the full, real system with Affirmation Bivouac:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10427736

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Not-So-Subtle Connection Between Stress and Poverty


People are poor because they are less intelligent that others, right? People who are poor are less educated than the wealthy because they are less intelligent, right? People are poor because they lack confidence and drive, right? Poor people perform more poorly at most tasks because they are unwilling to devote their energy to the task, right? WRONG, on all counts!

Stress obviously goes hand in hand with poverty, but rich people also worry about money. The difference is that the poor don't worry simply about money. Ongoing, continual poverty creates an environment of stress in which conflict, food insecurity, violence and housing worries, among many others arises because of the stress, but also feeds the stress even more. Thus, the entire milieu of poverty perpetuates the stress, which gives rise to other issues, which makes climbing out of poverty more difficult.

This study, out of UNICEF Research Office, June, 2016, when on to report that providing short-term relief in the form of cash payouts did not reduce perceived stress, even though it improved economic security. Thus, it is clear that it is the environment of poverty that perpetuates the stress and exacerbates related issues and that the solution is not as simple as quick cash, if the long-term outlook for the subject is still one of poverty.

But then, is the root of the problem that people are poor firstly because they are less able and intelligent than others? Actually, the opposite may be true.

According to Alice Walton, writing in the University of Chicago Business School's journal, The Chicago Booth Review, being poor may lower your IQ by as much as thirteen points.

A young man, a few decades ago, from a very impoverished background, was scheduled to write his Mensa qualifying tests. In the weeks prior to the test, in addition to having lived a life of deprivation, his mother and father both suffered what would be life-ending illnesses, he was forced to leave the house in which he had been raised, he was called on to assist a neighbour battling a fire that threatened his home and the young man had used up the very last of his finances for the month to pay for short-term accommodation. To say the least, he was under stress. He scored 138 on the Mensa test, high enough to qualify for membership.

Two years later, he wrote an IQ test again. He scored 165. That is a huge difference, seldom seen in intelligence testing. Yet, the only factor that had changed was that now, his income was stable and reasonable and the other stressors in his life had dissipated.

Poverty lowers one's IQ, not the other way around.

There can be little doubt that not having a decent education correlates very highly to making less money in the workplace. But being poor also makes it extremely difficult to realize one's potential academically.

There are myriad stories about people forced to leave school prematurely to support the family. Others cite lack of enough money for tuition as the reason why they did not proceed to post-secondary studies. It is not that these people don't want an education. It is that they cannot find the economic means to get one, and, in turn, remain mired in poverty.

Yet, even in grade school, through high school, performance levels among those of a lower socio-economic class are lower than classmates from more affluent backgrounds. It defies the belief of many outside the low SEC that poverty implies a moral failure. Performance suffers because the person is preoccupied with more immediate concerns. Try mental math when you are being chased down the street by an angry dog! Your thoughts are hardly on anything other than that immediate moment.

Like any achievement, rising out of poverty requires confidence. in the belief that, first, you can do it and second, that it is sustainable. Living in poverty tends to steal from people the ability to plan for a better future. The day-to-day nature of existence at the low end of the SEC denies people the ability to take a long-term perspective. Oxford University and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation report that, when facing poverty, people have a much more difficult time making decisions, doubt their choices and have lowered attention spans. That is, the moment intrudes on the future.

Most governments in the western world have introduced tax-free investment plans and retirement savings plan options to allow poorer people to set aside for their future, but the plans are entirely unrealistic Saving anything for tomorrow is unreasonable when today's needs are far from met. Consequently, a very small fragment of those in the lowest socio-economic group even consider retirement and contingent saving.

This forces them even further behind their more affluent counterparts, which, in turn, impacts on their confidence, their ability to focus on development and growth and forces them into the primary survival channel for the poorest of the poor: day-to-day existence.

It is not that the poor don't want better opportunity, or hope to succeed and grow. IT is more that they are trapped in an environment that saps the ability to stay afloat, much less thrive. They may have had the ability, the intelligence and the confidence to move ahead, but poverty, daily, robs them of those skills and we, in turn, lose out because hordes of people that, given the right opportunity, could contribute in very significant ways, to the world around them.

R F (Robert) Lee has written a biography on the impact of poverty on one family (What We Have Lost) revealing many unanticipated consequences and effects of low income. Several of his blogs discuss how poverty shapes one's life and looks at solutions. To find out more, visit his website at http://www.robertflee.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10427976

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

When Does Being Successful Look Like to You?


Many of us regard academic results and earning potential as important markers and measures of success but they're only part of a many-faceted picture. In reality, success has many faces.

So many of us are influenced and guided by other people's hopes, dreams and aspirations, encouraging us to follow their goal of what success looks like. They may have missed out on a university education, have unfulfilled dreams of pursuing a professional career, like becoming a doctor or accountant, and want those they love to succeed where they failed. But living another person's dreams can be a lonely, unsatisfactory experience, generating very little enthusiasm to sustain it.

Successfully learning a service or trade can open the doors to an amazing career. Offering a cleaning service, household repairs, gardening, odd jobs, a concierge business will require varied qualifications and registrations, but these are areas of significant demand and potential growth. Customers are clamouring to engage with service providers who are good.

Or starting small, perhaps with a multi-level marketing initiative, may be a huge step for someone who has not worked for a while or who needs to balance the many demands of their personal life. Hopefully, doing this enables them to receive training as they learn and grow their business.

In those situations, success may be making the commitment to regular coaching, gaining the confidence to speak to people, even when some are strangers, learning how to professionally introduce themselves and their goods or services. Developing a business model of their own, where the goal is to ultimately work hours to suit and set their own targets, with the option to be flexible, can feel liberating and worth aspiring to.

Budgeting, planning, recognising what people need and pitching to make a good impression, followed hopefully by a sale, requires good timing, skill and mental dexterity, a time to dig deep and reference life experiences that may not have been tapped into for some time. All things to be proud of and give oneself credit for.

For super-achievers, reaching those all important goals whilst appearing professional and financially successful brings its own pressures. It costs a of lot of money and personal investment to maintain the lifestyle, level of fitness and appearance to satisfy other people's expectations of what success looks like. And, often other people judge a person's success on what they see and have their attention drawn to.

Another's perception of success may be either good or bad, positive or negative, based on what's happening in their own lives. For example, if you were looking to make a middle-of-the road purchase, what would you think if you saw flashy, expensive cars in the staff car park; that they were successful or that they charged far too much for their wares? Seeing excessive affluence might make you think twice. But if you were aiming for a high-end purchase, seeing signs of opulent success might convince you that you were in the right place. Perception is relative to each situation.

There are those people who appear to have it all, the business reputation, big house, expensive car and lifestyle. For them, success may now be about cutting back, downsizing and spending less time at work, with more time for the things that matter to them, doing things they want to do. It may be that time with family has become more important, being only too aware that children grow up quickly whether you're there to see them or not and that relationships can struggle if they're not regularly nurtured.

Other people may have always wanted to travel, to see the world and take their time doing so. They may feel successful when they're finally able to buy a camper van or pack their rucksack and set off, with the freedom to do as they please. Being in a position where they're able to volunteer and do charity work gives many people a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment, maybe in ways never experienced in a work environment. Success, for them, is seeing the difference their involvement makes.

Interestingly, being successful can bring its own challenges too. It's not unusual to hear of the void left when an athlete succeeds in a competition, but then has nowhere else to go; they've achieved it all. What comes next if there's no new success to aim for? Many top sportspeople report experiencing the chasm left when, after years of dedication and focus, they retire and it all come to an end, especially when they're at the top of their game.

It's important to plan ahead. Whilst being single-minded about one's goals and motivation, it also matters to be aware of the importance of cultivating interests and satisfaction outside the main focus too.

What does success mean to you? Is it a financial, fitness or lifestyle goal? For many, it's when they finally feel that they're making a valuable contribution, whilst finding a sense of security and inner peace. Money is only part of it; recognition, appreciation and personal satisfaction often bring their own success and reward.

Susan Leigh, Altrincham, Cheshire, South Manchester counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.

To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit http://www.lifestyletherapy.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10500996

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Get Into A Reading Rhythm


Many people ask me how do I manage to get through so many books?, and my response is that I have a reading routine and rhythm. I'll share my recipe with you. Try this for one month and see how much progress you make. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. A sitcom generally airs for a half of an hour at a time with dramas and soap operas airing for an hour or more. Instead of watching the sitcoms or drama programs, turn the television off and use the time to read. That's right... READ. Let's say that you watch three sitcoms for a half of an hour each. Choose three books that you are currently reading or would like to read. Read each book for a half of an hour each (the same time you would have spent watching the sitcoms). Set a timer if you need to in order to keep you on track. At the end of the thirty minutes, change to the next book and begin reading it and at the end of that thirty minutes, move to the third book. If you do this once a day for a month, you will be absolutely amazed at the number of books you will complete in that time and ultimately in a year.

It's not that we don't have the time to read, it's more like we don't TAKE/MAKE the time to read. If television is not your thing and you spend an inordinate amount of time on the computer or on social networks, the same recipe will apply; just insert the word computer in the blank where I have TV above. In fact any other time consuming activity will work to fill in the blank. In other words, I am asking you to substitute reading for one of the other activities.

I cannot express the myriad benefits of you doing this here in this post. If you cannot do the ninety minutes, start off with thirty minutes and work your way up. Give up one sitcom to read a few chapters in a good book. Research says that anything done for thirty days becomes a habit (good or bad), so give it a try and watch how quickly you increase the number of books you have read in a week, month, and year's time. I dare you to challenge yourself. Happy Reading!

I invite you to download for free The Reading Circle Mobile App on iTunes. I also invite you to listen to The Reading Circle book talk radio program each Saturday morning beginning at 6 a.m. ET on http://www.gobrave.org and locally in northern NJ on WP88.7 FM. Lastly, I invite you to follow me on Twitter @thinkcritical01 and visit my YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/thereadingcircle01

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9026839

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Virtues of Simplicity



Excess baggage may come in the form of negative emotions.

A negative mindset can hinder progress toward a goal.

Eliminating the irrelevant shapes a calmer quality of life.

Simplicity is a virtue.

It allows us to pursue our desired lifestyle goals.

Our creativity becomes easier because we are free from material, emotional and complex influences that may control us.

We can reflect and ask what truly matters to influence a life that is better.

Renewing the Mind

Mental obstacles undermine fulfillment of life.

Negativity leads to failure.

De-cluttering lays the foundation to regain focus for achieving goals through easier steps to make it happen.

A positive mind enables the best decisions and course of action to be chosen.

Positive thoughts keep you constantly inspired.

Assets of the Mind

*A positive attitude

*A clear conscience

*Self respect

*Peace of mind

"Stopping to Smell the Roses"

"Stopping to smell the roses" is an act of appreciation by recognizing the daily moments that bring joy in our lives.

To slow down and to savor the beauty around you and to relax are often found in the most simple things.

Being mindful to take time to live life with deeper gratefulness for the world around us fulfills our soul to the deepest level.


Truth is a virtue because it is the foundation for trust.

It represents fact and reality.

Truth matters, both for the individual and for society as a whole.

For the individual, truth tells others that they can trust you and the things you say.

It characterizes the good spouse, the good scientist, the good historian, the good citizen and the good statesman.

Life becomes more beautiful when we can grow and learn from our mistakes.

Truth is necessary for a society to function and thrive.

Without truth, the loss of principles lead to a dysfunctional society and people becoming puppets to propaganda and false promises


Our hopes and dreams provide a direction to the things we love.

Doing what you love makes you more dedicated, more productive and enthusiastic to reach a desired goal.

We naturally do best when we are doing those things which we enjoy.

It overcomes inertia and dispels boredom.

Passion that is enduring provides the energy, commitment and the enthusiasm to pursue those things that give real meaning to life.

Lifelong Learning

Ignorance is the lack of information, knowledge, understanding or education.

Its effects include incorrect decisions or manipulation by false information.

A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body and lifelong learning to keep your brain active.

Knowledge is power because it broaden horizons, maximizes your potential and encourage self-development.

Time, money and effort spent on knowledge is an investment you make on yourself and your future.

Lifelong learning enhances personal growth and to identify new opportunities more easily, that improves the quality of life.

It is also one of the most effective ways to deal with change in our personal lives, our work lives and in our local communities.

Those who want to learn, continue their education for personal development and fulfillment.

Others see it as a significant step toward career advancement.

It can improve self-esteem and belief in one's own abilities.

The Wonders of Nature

The scents, sounds and sunshine of nature has definite mental health benefits.

Whether you spend time in your backyard, a neighborhood park or a beach, nature can have a profound impact on the brain and mind.

It not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing by improving the mood.

Our attention capacity is increased and our creativity finds inspiration through peace of mind.

Nature is like a sanctuary, offering tranquility and spiritual renewal through God's beautiful creations.

An example of tranquility is the visual sense of a breathtaking sight, watching the glorious morning sun rising behind a distant hilltop and to feel its golden rays streaming down before filling the valley below.

The song of birds, the humming of bees and beautiful, colored butterflies are a never-failing source of pleasure.

Take a quiet and peaceful country road and follow it out to wildflowers carpeting the rural landscape and to fields of wheat and barley gently swaying in the breeze.

There are the picture-postcard settings of a cascading waterfall, a river, stream, lake or hilly terrain.

Clouds, a colorful rainbow and the breathtaking colors of a beautiful sunset all add to the wonderful delights of our world.


Power, status, money, material things and sensual pleasures make the individual less spiritual.

God wants us to live a life of abundance through the goodness of heart and mind.

They are our salvation with just two important factors:

*Believe in God.

*Love your neighbor.

Spiritual enlightenment is a search for meaning in this life and in the everlasting life to come.

Spiritual development embraces an awareness of realities beyond the senses that give you feelings of being connected with God, nature and your fellow human being.

It is aligned to God's Purpose and becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

Healthy spirituality gives a sense of peace and balance among the physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of our lives.

It leads us to act with honesty, integrity, truthfulness and living a wholesome life.

My name is Andrew Papas and I am an Internet Marketer and Self Publisher.

Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Solo Build It! My goal is to bring together the best resources available and legitimate Online Business Opportunities that can work for you.

The SiteSell Home Page (sitesell.com) https://www.sitesell.com/Andrew355.html

Food Tours to Europe http://www.efoodtours.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10534407

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

You Can't Reach What's In Front Of You Until You Let Go Of What's Behind You


The major problem many people faced is looking back. Because of this reason, they fail to focus on their goals ahead; thereby, failing in the process to attain them. An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in their understanding of things. They are open to suggestions and are always have a room for improvement.

Do you think that a beautiful house, new clothes, high-paying jobs, money in the bank or a new man in your life will give you the happiness you crave? It is wonderful to choose these as goals but never allow your happiness to depend on them. You have the power to determine your own happiness by letting go of the things or people who don't serve you; the people and things in your life who are causing you too much unhappiness. In other words, get rid of the toxic people in your life.

Desperately trying so hard, expecting things to be different, needing that acceptance and love will only leave you feeling hopeless, sad and completely worthless. Once you start to let go of all these things, your life will also start to change.

Mostly, it is people's mindset that to survive and remain happy, they need many people in life. They forget that they just need few real people in life who can appreciate them for what they truly are. Such people are a very valuable assets in life. They are much better than the fake people who come into our lives who will only use us and will never be available when we need them.

We cannot control the people, our surroundings or our destiny so let go of trying to make others do things the way we want them. Start taking control of your own life. Remember, life is what we make it.

Never, ever be judgmental. It can only cloud your own judgment. Letting go of this negative trait will allow your mind to be open in making clear decisions that are right for you.Nobody is perfect.

Most often than not, we become so attached to people we hate and cause us too much stress. Be aware of where you are placing your energy, the more you put into people who don't serve you well, the more drained and unhappy you feel. Consciously make an effort to spend less time with these people even if you are living with them.

We need to get out of our comfort zones. If you don't get out of your shell, you will never grow. You will never experience a full life and you will never have a broader horizon! Allow your comfort zone to be there for you BUT don't let it become your prison.

Let go of your mistakes in the past. Learn from them,and be the person who won't make them again in the future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10517751

3 Major Differences Between New Year's Resolutions and Intentions

                                                    We have finally come to the end of another year, a year that disrupted our way of life r...