Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Why You Need To Be Flexible, To Survive And Thrive
We Can Choose Our Attitude
How would you describe your life right now? Are you surviving from day-to-day or thriving? I don't intend to underscore your troubles but help you gain an insight into your current conditions. It takes courage to take an introspective look into ourselves, particularly when we don't like what we see.
Most people never take this journey because highlighting their shortfalls threatens their self-esteem. The problem is that we stay stuck and stagnant, without growing and advancing. I'm certain if you're reading this article, you're not that person. You're not the person to rest on your laurels because something inside of you identifies with growth and expansion.
Even if you don't know how to improve your life, you recognise you are not satisfied. If you are not thriving in respective areas of your life, what is the cause? Honestly, what do you believe is holding you back from achieving your potential in this area?
You might say external factors such as the economy, being dealt unforeseen circumstances or something else. I'm not discounting these factors, but we can still choose our attitude and rise above our difficulties.
Do you agree with this? Do you feel some people are dealt an easy hand in life, while others have it tough? Be careful how you answer because this is a belief that may impede your growth. Perhaps there's a reason some people face more difficulties than others. They might be called to serve others through their purpose.
Life Is Not A Problem To Be Solved
I don't know your particular story to comment about it, but having coached hundreds of people over the years, I have observed a theme play out in many of people's lives. Those who excel in life come from unfortunate backgrounds. Some were abused as children; others lost loved ones when they are young. Some experience illness they recover from.
It is why I am drawn to the quote by the motivational speaker Jim Rohn, who said: "The same wind blows on us all; the winds of disaster, opportunity and change. Therefore, it is not the blowing of the wind, but the setting of the sails that will determine our direction in life."
There is truth that life is subject to pain, disappointment and suffering. Some of us suffer more than others, but it is our attitude or what Jim Rohn calls: the setting of the sails that determines our direction in life. It is whether we choose to bounce back from our setbacks and grow from those experiences.
As you've probably noticed, life is about growth and expansion, and we cannot stop this process any more than interrupting daylight break in the morning. Life weaves her wisdom of impermanence and change throughout our lives, and we can retreat into despair or accept the challenges.
Sometimes we bemoan our experience and believe we are unfairly treated. But it doesn't change our circumstances. Feeling victimised does not change the fact that reality wins compared to our beliefs about it. Life doesn't care whether we think it is fair. It is not a factor, because fairness is not what life is.
A better question to ask is: what am I being called to learn about this situation? Where is the growth in this challenge? Whom do I need to become to see this situation from a higher perspective? We've got to change our thinking and stop believing life is being imposed upon us.
Life is not happening to us, as much is it is happening for us. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at begin to change. This is the underlying message from the American author, Dr Wayne Dyer.
It is the understanding; life is not a problem to be solved, but to be experienced from the level of the soul. Life is a sea of contrast, where we choose how to view our difficulties. We can see them through the lens of pain and disappointment or growth and expansion.
It takes a certain mindset to adopt this way of thinking. It doesn't happen overnight and with enough pain and heartache, we eventually learn that life is pulling the strings and we are a tiny speck in a vast universe, constantly contracting and expanding.
A Flexible Mind Is A Thriving Mind
I often remind coaching clients when they are overwhelmed by their difficulties, to get on Google Earth and appreciate their problems in the realm of the cosmos. It requires stepping back and recognising life isn't being done to us but expanding through us.
Are you getting the sense that surviving and thriving are different mindsets? If we want to move from one to the other, we must be flexible in our thinking. We need to expand our understanding of our problems and look at them through the lens of growth and opportunity.
A flexible mind is a mind open to change, which is the one thing that flows throughout life. We cannot resist change, otherwise we become stuck and victimised. Life is doing what it does; expanding and contracting.
Given we are the substance of life, we ought to allow life to flow through us instead of running away from our problems. We both know it never works out well when we run away from problems.
With this in mind, I invite you to consider the questions I asked you in the opening paragraph. Sit for 10 - 15 minutes and journal honest answers to the questions. Approach the exercise as though you were confiding in someone you trust. Here, that someone is your private journal.
Try to get a sense of what is holding you back from thriving. Don't try to find a solution yet, because that will come when you are open-minded. The key is to identify the problem, and a solution will be borne out of it in due course. Ultimately, a flexible mind is a thriving mind because it is open to change, which is the essence of life.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10451578
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
5 Considerations For A Personally, Meaningful, Head/ Heart Balance!
Unless, one proceeds, aligning, the finest aspects of his logical, and emotional components, in a, head/ heart balance, he will never, function, to the best, of his abilities, and/ or, potential! Although, this may seem to be obvious, and, clearly, common sense, it often seems, far - too - few, of us, proceed, with the necessary, alignment, commitment, and discipline! There are many necessities, for, achieving this, but, this article, will focus - upon, 5 specific considerations, and why, they matter! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, these, and how they relate, to greater, personal, health, well - being, and satisfaction.
2. Identify/ know your personal priorities, goals, objectives, etc: Personal growth, and enhancement, requires, truly, identifying, and, knowing, your personal priorities and reasons, goals, objectives, perceptions, strengths, and weaknesses! One must do so, objectively, and honestly, because, it is important to address your focus, rather than, merely, trying to, fit - in!
3. Regular/ periodic professional health check - up: Your emotional, and mental health, and overall happiness, requires, taking care, of your entire self! This means, committing to having, regular, period, health check - ups, provided, and performed, by quality professionals, who you respect, and will listen to! Listen to the suggestions, and guidance, so you benefit, as fully, as possible!
4. Lifestyle/ exercise/ meditation, etc: Aligning your personal lifestyle, with your needs, and overall, best - interests, although, common sense, is, often, ignored! How might you use, a combination of diet, exercise, well - developed aptitude/ skill - set, and a positive, can - do, attitude, to serve your best interests? Will you benefit, from meditation, using affirmations, etc?
5. Commitment and discipline: If you want to be, as personally, happy, and self - fulfilled, as possible, it requires, considerable, commitment, and discipline, and doing, what best, serves you!
Aligning your emotional, and logical components, in a true, head/ heart balance, goes far, in enhancing, your overall, personal growth, and well - being! Are you, up to these tasks, and, proactively, proceeding, forward?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10506939
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Relationships: Do Relationships Allow Someone To Come Into Contact With Their Unconscious Mind?
Human beings have both a conscious and an unconscious mind; however, the latter is largely overlooked. Not only does mainstream society ignore this mind but a lot of people in the helping professions, those who are doing what they can to help peoples "mental health", also do the same thing.
Although this is not much of a surprise when it comes to society, considering how extroverted it generally is and self-awareness is not encouraged, it could be seen as being a surprise when so many experts are the same. At the same time, a society that very much lives on the surface is naturally going to produce both therapies that lack depth and people that are happy to practice them.
Two Parts
When it comes to someone's unconscious mind, this part of them will contain their "negative" feelings and the parts of themselves that they deem as being bad, among other things. By having these aspects held in this part of their being, their conscious mind will rarely, if ever, have to come into contact with them.
So, in the same way, that someone can put the items that they don't like up in their attic and then forget all about them, the same thing will take place internally. Their inner attic, then, will allow them to remove the parts of themselves that they don't like and then to forget that they have removed these parts.
A Vital Job
Undoubtedly, if one didn't have this ability and they had to literally bathe in their inner pain, they would soon end up being wiped out. With this in mind, having the ability to remove pain from their conscious awareness is essential.
Nonetheless, while their conscious mind will lose touch with feelings and parts of themselves that are problematic, this inner material won't simply be stored away like items in an attic and not bother them. No, this inner material will, from behind the scenes, be pulling the strings of their life.
One Part
What is held in their unconscious mind will have a big effect on what they are resonating or the vibration they are giving off. They, like everyone and everything on this planet, are made up of vibrating energy, and, in order for them to experience something, they will need to be vibrating at the right frequency.
This is not the law of attraction; this is the law of resonance, which is a quantum physics law. Therefore, someone can have all the right thoughts and feelings in their conscious mind but if their unconscious mind is filled with junk, they might not get very far.
Another Part
Along with this, and this is due to parts of them being an energetic match, they will come into contact with people who embody the parts of themselves that they have lost touch with. There will also be moments when one will project parts of themselves into people who don't actually possess what they see in them.
Nonetheless, as their mind will be completely convinced by what their five senses tell them, they won't be able to realise what is going on. If they were told that what they see is a reflection of their own consciousness, it would probably be the equivalent of trying to convince them that the moon is made of cheese.
A Long List
If they were able to take a step back and reflect on their relationships, they may see that they continually come into contact with the same type of people. When it comes to what irritates them about others, a number of things could come to mind.
For example, they could find that they often end up with people who are selfish, have anger problems and have a strong need for attention. One could see these people are being the complete opposite of them.
The Mirror
Now, if they were to pretend that these are not separate beings but are, instead, an expression of the part of themselves that they are estranged from, it would give them the opportunity to do what they need to do to gradually integrate their "shadow side". By seeing their relationships in a more symbolic manner, they will no longer need to be caught up in what is going on.
And by looking into what parts of themselves they need to bring to the light of their own consciousness and to acknowledge, they can start to transmute their "negative" aspects. The parts of themselves that are seen as being bad can then change expression and this energy can be used creatively and to enhance their life.
This is not about one laying into themselves; it is a time for them to be kind and compassionate towards themselves. The truth is that they didn't repress these parts of themselves because they are weak, bad or incapable; they did it because it was too painful for them to face them.
Furthermore, when they get in touch with the parts of themselves that they see as being bad and shameful, it will be important for them to keep in mind that this is just their dual ego-mind making a judgment. Ultimately, what is taking place inside them just is - it is neither good nor bad.
If one finds it hard to do this work by themselves, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided with the assistance of a therapist or healer.
Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over two thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/
Feel free to join the Facebook Group -
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10451941
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
The Importance of Reading Books to Kids' Personality Development
When I go to your house, first thing I would be looking for is your bookshelf. Yes, for it speaks volume about you.
People hoarding books have favorable human relating than those who don't have any. Yes, for books teach us a lot of things.
Get a story book and see how people behave in the story. Their goal to reach the top rung of the ladder, say career, business, etc. they could be in constant battle with their inner demons. Yes, either pride, envy, jealousy, or so on could be a bitter truth about themselves. Learning how they face these and overcome is something that can be done also when we feel the same travail. We need to be good, kind and fair and just so as to be called well-adjusted individuals. For, living with other people around, we have to be easy to be with, know our boundaries and willing to learn a thing or two about relating. And, book reading is one sure way to get ourselves the needed skills in dealing with different people around. Vicarious learning is key. When you read book character being the butt of jokes, or maligned or what, you tend to get empathized. You know that it is not a a good thing to do such or receive such treatment. Thanks, to books I have read!
When I made a survey with my students, only few of them have reading materials at home. They don't have any books aside from textbooks given by the school for them to read for the school year. This is so alarming, considering the importance of book reading to a kid so as to develop his/her comprehension skills, fluency and vocabulary, but more so on his/her appreciation of human dynamics where people have different personalities, beliefs and all, thus having different action-reactions to a given issue, etc.
Young minds must be developed into well-rounded persons later. They must have absorbed wisdom from great literature around and be more sympathetic and with empathy to all, especially those beyond their close contact. Challenges with biases, hatred with some people --though irrational and all, still persist because of lack of the habit of reading books and learning the dynamics of positive social interactions.
Those who are wide and wild readers, if you notice, they are silent and more easy to be with, they could get one's uniqueness sans bias and prejudice and all. That's the essence of reading books where we become more understanding, supportive and what-not to people around.
However, there are always exception to the rule: some of us, have this tenacity to be audaciously prejudiced a person. Even, so-called educated ones. Yes, true education is seen on how you deal with people beyond your close contact, the way you treat them is your own brand of social adjustment: treat people well to show your learned behavior gotten from varied readings, experiences and the like.
So the next time I visit you, kindly serve coffee or tea... and a book which you have read countless times! I might get something a wisdom from such and be a better person than the one I used to be. Just kidding!
Larry Icabandi Nabiong
Grade school teacher, published author/article writer, grape nook grower, environment/IP advocate, social entrepreneur wannabe, among other great endeavors.
Currently working on his first novel with working title: When Doors Open... Run! Similar to Hunger Games where players are pitted against each other inside an arena, where different doors are provided, for them to run toward or away... for survival purposes. Behind opening doors are enemies trying to survive the odds just like them. Only the toughest one will emerge the victor when he/she reaches the final door to the applauding spectators!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10521006
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
You Always Have A Choice, To Give Up Or Get Up. What Will You Choose?
You Always Have A Choice
You have a choice; to bounce back from your setbacks or remain trapped in them. The best choice is not always the easiest because sometimes it's hard to make sense of your difficulties. However, you trust your choices will show you how to navigate the path forward. Do you believe this to be true? Can you think of recent examples where you made hard choices? How did the situation turn out and what lessons did you learn?
Irrespective of whether you give up or get up, you will still face challenges. However, giving up deprives you of self-confidence and you become powerless in the face of defeat. You might feel victimised and believe life is difficult. But you have more power than you realise, and to activate this power lies in how you respond to your difficulties. If you give up, you might experience helplessness and lack the independence to try again. Conversely, there are challenges associated with trying again, but this path is lined with optimism and hope. It represents an empowering future, even though you cannot see it.
To take this idea further: Giving up represents despair, while trying again is a future filled with hope. You can navigate your darkest moments when you forge ahead, even during hard times. The spirit of resilience lights the way and shows you what actions to take each day. Whilst you may not have the answers, you will find your way through. These are the key principles of optimism, enthusiasm, and hope during difficult moments. In other words, it involves cultivating these virtues daily. Regrettably, the future is promised to no one and when trapped in despair, it may seem a better future is unachievable. But every challenge you experience will pass and leave you with powerful lessons to carry into the future.
Choose What Is Optimal For Your Personal Growth
Are you comfortable with this understanding so far? Can you see you are never stuck in a situation without the inner resources to work through it? Even when you cannot move forward, you can change your attitude, which shapes how you think about your problems. You can always take action, no matter how small it is. There is light at the end of the tunnel because darkness cultivates strength of character and reveals the spirit of hope. To put it another way: You must use your pain for good instead of allowing pain to use you. Pain is a powerful teacher and, whilst unpleasant, it can awaken the wisdom of your soul to transcend human limitations. Therefore, be careful not to become absorbed in your pain for long, but excavate your way out by focusing on the actions you can take.
Here's another way to look at: To make empowered choices, try to look ahead to the future when deciding. Even though conditions may not be optimal, don't dwell on it because this is not your ultimate destination. Life can change instantly and sometimes your circumstances will shift swiftly. It is why maintaining momentum through inspired action; is how you get through your challenges. That's why you should avoid making choices based on how you feel now, because regret will catch up to you later on. That is to say: When you are suffering and need to make important decisions, choose one that will improve your circumstances in the long run. This is because people make less than optimal choices when they experience pain and suffering. It requires thinking about the future from a thriving mindset.
It requires deciding based on your highest interest and what is optimal for your personal growth. To get clear on your choices, ask yourself the following questions: "Who do I want to become in the future?" "What do I need to do to overcome my current difficulties?" "What lessons do I need to learn from these challenges?" Remember: Small steps build great momentum. It is why I have repeated the theme of maintaining momentum throughout this article.
Develop A Mindset Of Optimism And Hope
The human spirit is resilient because it is not bound by the physical world, but by the immaterial world of hope and faith. If you give up, your spirit contracts and it is difficult to get going again. Consider this when you suffered a setback or an obstacle. You may have been unmotivated to find the strength to try again. Trying to find momentum when you're unmotivated is difficult because you lose the energy to move forward. I'm encouraging you to keep moving through your difficulties and not give up on yourself. It is for this reason, I am drawn to the message by author Dr Alex Lickerman who writes in The Undefeated Mind, about developing resiliency in the face of your challenges: "For in refusing to give up, we refuse to give in, not just to oppressive circumstances, but to the moment-by-moment experience of suffering itself. Resilience, in other words, doesn't consist only of returning to our original level of functioning after a loss; it also consists of not experiencing its decline in the first place."
Progress is possible, even when you are caught up in the darkest storms. During these hard times, you gain the wisdom about your life's journey and it is impossible to go back to your former way of life. You transcend your consciousness and develop a mindset of optimism and hope. I've experienced this personally, as well as clients I've coached over the years. They talk about a tipping point, which heralded the Hero's Journey, and it is possible for you too.
Considering this, I invite you to think of a current problem you're experiencing. Have you considered giving up? Equally, have you considered moving forward with faith and hope? Is it possible your circumstances may change better than you expect? Ancient wisdom shows that breakthroughs occur right before your biggest setbacks. Perhaps you are on the cusp of a breakthrough, without realising it? On balance, even though it is difficult to choose wisely, it requires choosing what is in your highest interest, not based on how you feel. Your feelings and circumstances will change, so it is important to make choices toward a better tomorrow. A future filled with hope and optimism. A future lined with certainty and becoming your greatest self. If you make choices based on fear, you choose based on what you have to lose instead of what you will gain. After all, a promising future must contain the elements of light, hope, and optimism so you can lead with love.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tony_Fahkry/837610
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10502568
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