Thursday, February 29, 2024

Will You Try To Become Your Best FRIEND?


Although, many refuse to admit it, our personal satisfaction, achievement, self - value, etc, is based on how much, we really, want to succeed, and, what we might, do about it! Have the nerve, to, take a clear, in - depth, objective look, and conduct a check - up, from the neck - up, and you will begin, the important process, of becoming your own, best FRIEND! Only, when someone, realizes, he must enhance his self - confidence, and be ready, to expand those self - imposed, limitations of one's comfort zone, will he be able to make a difference, for the better, for his personal health, and well - being! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is so important, and valuable.
1. Face facts; future; furnish; fruition; fate: Avoid the temptation/ trap, of denying - reality, and face the facts, in an objective manner! Know yourself, and what you seek, at - present, and into the future, so you can furnish a personally, meaningful path, to bring the best results, to fruition! Try to become the master of your own destiny, and create, the fate, you hope for!
2. Relevant; reasonable; reasoning/ reasons; responsible/ responsive; realistic: Be realistic, in your objectives, and proceed, in a relevant way, which is reasonable, for your goals and priorities, and your personal reasoning, clearly provides you, with the reasons, to proceed, in a certain manner! Be responsible, and responsive to what you care deeply about, and be, as realistic, as possible!
3. Insights; integrity; imagination; ideals; ideology: How would you describe your ideology, and why? Are your insights, directed by your insights, and do you possess the imagination, to hold onto your ideals, in accordance with your beliefs?
4. Emphasis; energy/ energize; effects; efforts; excellence: Will you proceed, with the emphasis, which increases your personal energy, in a manner, which energizes you, consistently? Analyze the positive and negative effects of your daily efforts! Will you settle for the same - old, same - old, and good - enough, or will you, consistently, seek to proceed with the utmost degree of personal excellence!
5. Needs: Since, we are individuals, it is important to know your true needs, and why! Doing so, means embracing your personal best interests!
6. Delve deeply; deliver; discover; deem: Are you willing to take the time, and make the efforts, to delve deeply, into the options and alternatives, and choose, wisely? Once, you discover this, what will you do, to deliver, a happier, more - fulfilled, self? Do you deem, yourself, worthy, of being, as happy, as possible?
Isn't it, about time, for you, to become your own, best FRIEND? Do you believe, you are worth the effort?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Your Dreams Are Valid

Get it Done Mentally

Focus On Reality And All Else Will Be Added


 The ultimate fantasy is the bad intention and getting away with having it inside of you without catching yourself with it. Ultimately, genuine cheating and bad intentions are self-destructive. What is constructive, however done, is living in reality with simple honesty and realistic thinking and action. Indeed, the ultimate weakness is thinking you can win dishonestly, then deceive yourself with everyone else that you did not cheat.

When I think about life, reality and existence, I genuinely feel and understand that the best way is to approach it honestly without shortcut attempts, or any "aces up the sleeve"so to speak. The ultimate fantasy is "free without effort" anyway. We are not "owed" a good life, we have to create and make that ourselves.

For example, a person can have all of the advantages of life and mess them up, because they want to cheat or "have it even easier" or "better". On the other hand, a person can have no advantages yet do great ultimately because of a patient, realistic approach to living and reality that is realistic, understanding and "house holding", so to speak.

A great life and reality are promised to nobody, it has to be created and worked out from within a person. All the outer advantages and "great" trappings in existence mean nothing if you do not have the advantages of realistic understanding and honest ethic innately.

Solving the mystery of why some genuinely have it all, and some do not even with "all the advantages", it is probably because of the factors mentioned here. It starts inside, not outside. Why do you think the quote is "as within, so without" and not 'as without, so within'? It always starts within, and not without. It all starts with the cause and ends with the effect as a genuinely working cycle. Nature and reality do not work any other way. So, if you have a bad effect consider the cause and then change it from within strongly.

So, this article is not "the ends justify the means". This article is more like start from a good cause point and then create a great effect. If you start with the wrong cause, whatever the outer advantages, you will have bad effects. If you start with a right cause, ultimately good or great effects can be created whatever the temporary problems within the actions, because you are coming from the right place.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

From Quiet Efforts to Loud Results: Boosting Productivity in Silence

WATCH THIS EVERYDAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Priyanka Chopra Motivational Speech 2023

Why Everyday Personal Common Sense Is So RARE?


One might, think, since we hear, references, on an ongoing basis, to using, common sense, we would witness, far - more, evidence, and use, of it! In fact, it often seems, common sense, is, anything, but, and, unfortunately, an extremely, RARE behavior, etc! After, over, four decades, of, attempting to help people, in this direction, both, by consulting, and conducting many hundreds of, personal development seminars/ programs, I have witnessed, this, many times. Although, there are, probably, many reasons, for this, when it comes, to how, we proceed, forward, and, behave, etc, often, depends, on a combination of factors, attitudes, etc. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Reality: Do you perceptions, and reality, align, or, do you proceed, with, a pie - in - the - sky, unrealistic way, which gets in the way, of proceeding, in the most sensible manner? After - all, how can anyone, proceed, with common sense, unless/ until, they have a firm concept/ idea/ handle, of reality?

2. Attitude; attention; aptitude; avoidance: It generally, takes, a positive, can - do, attitude (but without the trap, of wearing, rose - colored - glasses), to consider, thoroughly, a variety of viable, options and alternatives, for the better! How can anyone, become, the best, he can, unless/ until, he consistently, pays keen attention, to using common sense, for his best interests? In addition, one must commit to, and maintain the personal discipline, to thoroughly, effectively, develop, and learn, the best way, to use, a relevant aptitude, and skill - set! Unfortunately, too may people, revert to avoidance, denial, and procrastination, when they need to proceed forward, in an effective way!

3. Relevant; responsible: Just doing something, rarely, achieves the best personal results, and/ or, direction/ path! It is important, to fully consider, and base one's plans, on relevant factors, and proactively, proceed, forward, always avoiding the temptation, to procrastinate! Only, then, will our behavior, be personally, responsible, and responsive, to our best interests!

4. Enthusiastic/ eager; energized; emphasis; easier: How will you ensure, you proceed, forward, in an enthusiastic manner, and a personal, eagerness, to be, as happy, and fulfilled, as possible? Will your actions, be energized, and energizing, etc? How might you determine your personal emphasis? Will you do, whatever, possible, to make your life, easier, and less stressful, etc?

Since, everyday, common sense, is so RARE, what will you commit to, to make things, proceed, as well, as possible? Are you up to the tasks?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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3 Major Differences Between New Year's Resolutions and Intentions

                                                    We have finally come to the end of another year, a year that disrupted our way of life r...