Tuesday, March 26, 2024

3 Ways to Use Gratitude to Make Your Life Better and More Enjoyable


3 Ways to use Gratitude to make your life better and more enjoyable

What if I told you that there was you could make your life more less stressful and more enjoyable by making a simple change to your daily choice. The truth is that every time you interact with others you can choose to either live in gratitude or live in bitterness. Here are 3 ways to use gratitude to make your life better and more enjoyable!

Remember that when you chose bitterness, you close mind to others and to possibilities for relentless life changing transformation that can affect your health, your relationships and your ability to succeed in your encounters and projects. Here are 3 ways you can do better by choosing gratitude!

First of all do something for others when they least expect it. It could be something as simple as doing the dishes or washing the car or mowing the lawn. When they tell you thank you, you shall feel enriched, energized and unstoppable! It could be something as simple checking on others to know how they are doing. This has even greater impact when do for others that which they cannot do for themselves.

Secondly, give a donation in their name to a worthy cause. Find a charity that the object of your gratitude feels a strong connection to and make a donation in their name. Send them a quick note to let them know about it. If the person is a veteran donate to charities that take care of wounded soldiers. if the person loves to help out the homeless, donate to charities that help the homeless.

The third way to use gratitude to make yourself better is to become a good listener. Pay extra close attention to what others are is saying when they speak to you. Because most people are so used to others paying them little or no attention, when you actively listen to others, you will be rewarded by positive energy and re-enforcement. People will go out of their way to pay attention to you, to make your are not misunderstood or falsely accused. This type of community support will help you swim with blessed assurance in the ocean of life.

Finally make the choice to have gratitude whether the situation calls for it or not.. Take a little time to show gratitude to those you encounter every day whether they deserve it or not. The more you do this, the more you will discover yourself living in happiness and peace.

Now that you have learned about some of the ways you can use gratitude to make you feel more fulfilled and enriched, check out other solutions and strategies for relentless personal transformation at Dala Compass Academy

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10329910

Friday, March 22, 2024

Live Your Ultimate Life! 5 Behaviours to Guarantee Your Best Outcomes Daily!


 You have the potential to live an absolutely phenomenal life.

A life where you get to determine the standards of your lifestyle, the quality of your results and the abundance that you receive

A Mistaken Sense of Reality...
You are not be experiencing these phenomenal impacts because right now you may be in a situation where you are so emphatically conditioned that you are resigned to the mistaken belief that everything happens TO you, that's life... and you have to accept it.

This is an unfortunate mindset too many people have! A mindset that causes them to surrender control of their best assets and expose themselves to a false sense of fate.

I urge you to not fall into this same debilitating way of life!

Understand that this definitely does not have to be the case for you. In fact, it shouldn't! you have been endowed with phenomenal gifts at your creation, which allow you to take a significant amount of control over your direction in life and your circumstances. This issue arises when, as an individual you do not develop these gifts, or give them an opportunity to be expressed with any meaningful intent.

Set Your Expectations!
You are a fine-tuned instrument; your creation is perfection in motion... what you need to understand is how it all comes together. We won't have time to get into all of it in this article, but I want to specifically focus on your mindset, your expectations and how these attract corresponding results.

I encourage you to begin focusing on your unseen, spiritual attributes, as this is where you have the greatest control. This is the part of your creation where your results begin. Everything you have or you experience in the physical is the 'second version' of an idea, thought or expectation.

When you come up with an idea and get emotionally involved with that idea you begin to move into the corresponding frequency of that thought or idea and this vibration gets into harmony with everything on the same frequency.

You are effectively a 'radio dial' that tunes into the station that you want to listen to.

The key aspect is that, for the most part, your 'radio dial' is set to an automatic frequency and everything on that frequency moves into your life as a physical and non-physical results... even if you do not like them.

Your vibration... your vibe determines your environment.

This is why you need to begin to place a premium on your thoughts and expectations.

Don't leave Change to Chance!
As you reflect on the above, I want you to take heart in knowing that change is possible... and you have control over how to turn your life around!

You now have the beginning of a changed awareness and a new understanding. In order to make a meaningful and lasting change you need to begin doing things in a way contrary to how you have been undertaking action to this point.

Currently you are looking at your life, your job, your current results and letting these visible aspects determine what you think you can do.

  • Financially you look at your income, mortgage, credit card limit and immediately impose a restriction on your financial potential or capability.
  • You perceive the number of hours in a day, your commitments, your relationships then confirm to yourself your limited ability to use time
  • There are also many other perceptions based on your current results or way of life that limit how you allow yourself to set goals or manage your expectations.
In order to change you need to focus on pulling yourself up and elevating yourself onto a higher, more valuable level of existence... this can only be done by determining what frequency you want to 'dial into' then working towards that! You need to begin thinking in a very specific and certain way that focuses only on the good and abundant and that your goals and desires you have set for yourself are certain to happen, they are guaranteed and that there is nothing that is going to stop them from coming into being. The complimentary mindset you need to entrench yourself in is that you shut your mind off entirely to any influence or contrary opinion that will tell you cannot get what you have set your mind on. Safeguard against these influences.

Please note that these actions are not just to readjust your thoughts and beliefs into "just accepting" your results with a blind approach to just being satisfied. What we are striving to achieve is meaningful change that meaningfully engages your creative faculties and sets up new expectations that you know will accelerate your growth!

5 Behaviours you can engage today to Guarantee you best outcome daily:

  1. Gratitude: be thankful for everything... regardless of appearances. Developing a deeper sense of gratitude allow you to experience the perception that everything is contributing to your well being and all situations are there to create and environment for your success.
  2. Decision: Deciding what you want and sticking to that decision set an internal tone from your mind to your Paradigm that begins to move in the direction of that decision.
  3. Imagination: This wonderful creative faculty is your designer that adds layers of detail and colours your future world.
  4. Believe: knowing that what is to happen will happen for your ultimate growth.
  5. Expect: the ribbon that holds it all together... expecting what we want is far superior to expecting what we do not want! Either one will happen... you choose which!
All the above behaviours working in harmony and in an upward spiral of synergy takes you onto ever increasing levels of vibration... vibrations that are on the same frequency of the life you desire.

Get your "vibe adjusted" and enjoy the abundance that follows.

Our drive at invinciblemind is to make the most of ourselves to give the best of ourselves!

Learn how to Unleash Your Ultimate Potential with invinciblemind... Your future self will thank you for the immense decision!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10362511

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Make Your Goals a Habit


When we're starting out, it's tempting to treat goal-setting as an all or nothing mindset, where aiming to excel, establish a great reputation and be recognised as successful are the daily focuses of our lives.

Over time we may come to realise that big goals are in many ways like onions, with multi-layers contributing to the finished product, each needing to be nurtured and developed. It's important to make time for them to grow and be recognised as separate components, with the layers eventually coming together to make the ultimate result.

We maybe set aside time to promote ourselves on social media, update our accounts, complete our journal, do some yoga practice, go online for a special class, but it's only when our goals are absorbed into our way of life and become second-nature, a habit, that they become an automatic part of our functioning, pulling together to make a well-rounded quality of life.

By making your goals a habit you're living each day to the full, enjoying what you're doing and are less distracted by how much it advances your route to success. You simply keep going, working with your master plan towards the big picture, whilst incorporating positive practices into your daily life.

You may have identified stepping-stones, actions and decisions that need to be taken everyday to achieve your goal. For example, progressing your business growth may require a specific number of contacts to be made on a regular basis, losing weight may include daily choices about exercise and what to eat, running a marathon may mean covering a certain distance each week. Doing something big or small that becomes a part of your regular mindset and commitment.

Even on relatively inactive days or those times when other things take precedence it's important to make some acknowledgement of your ultimate focus. That way, your actions gradually become a habit. Remind yourself of your goals by having them in plain sight on a vision board, on your screen saver or by writing them in the front of your journal or diary, so that you connect with them regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. Ensure that they're always with you.

You may have high-lighted specific big goals as the focus for your efforts, but habits come about through being a reasonably comfortable, regular commitment, rather than being so big that you risk becoming overwhelmed or required to park other areas of your life. Doing something that's straightforward and relatively easy to include has a greater chance of becoming a habit and subsequently resulting in success.

That's why it's best to break big goals down into smaller segments, bite-sized chunks that don't need too much thought or can be arranged in advance. Otherwise, on busy, stressful days all your good intentions risk being cast to one side, as you default to easier, more familiar habit patterns, or reject them as you deal with pressing matters that require all your attention.

Some people find that making lists is a positive way to introduce a new habit, breaking down a larger goal into achievable actions each day. Setting a timer can help you manage how long to spend on each task, so ensuring there's real focus on the task in hand, whilst also avoiding becoming too absorbed for too long on a single piece of work.

It's good to cultivate the habit of achieving something, however small, each day. That mindset is proactive, motivational and encourages you to intermittently review your plans, raise the bar and move them forwards. Even a quick phone call or email can be enough to make progress.

When that outlook has become a habit, there's an enthusiastic approach to what can be achieved each day; something small on busy days, taking larger steps when there's the time and energy available.

Accountability is often important, having someone to regularly check-in with, who wants to know what you've done, where you're up to, what the likely outcome could be. Scheduling an appointment when you have to explain yourself is incredibly motivational; something that's only too evident on the days before a slimmer's class has a weigh-in!

But a coach or mentor can also help iron out any issues, steer or guide you as to available options, help you re-focus after a set-back. Someone who's on your side, who's with you during your struggles, who understands what you're going through can make a massive difference to your motivation levels.

Making your goals a habit is an important contributor to your success, but don't allow yourself to be too tied down by them. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey and maybe even appreciate occasional detours along the way. After all, once you reach your destination you may be at a loss as to what to do next or simply be inspired to start again and set some new goals.

Sometimes it's exciting not to be too rigid about chasing your initial goals. It can be satisfying to enjoy exploring new opportunities and follow where they lead. Unexpected adventures can be a reward in themselves. Take time to value each experience that presents itself as you progress. Then, your goal-motivated mindset will become a habit, as well as a stimulating and enjoyable contributor to your way of thinking.

Susan Leigh, South Manchester counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon. To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit http://www.lifestyletherapy.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10508841

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

It's Not Meaningful Leading, Unless You Get It DONE!


There's a significant difference, between, holding some position of leadership, and, becoming a meaningful leader! It's never enough, to make empty promises, and use rhetoric, and the only way, to evaluate, leaders, is by, what he achieves, and whether his actions, got it DONE, the way, which might, best, serve and represent, the greater good! After, over four decades of personal involvement, in, nearly, every aspect, related to effectively, leading, from, identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, and, serving as a leader, on several occasions, I strongly, believe, the best way, to consider, any individual's impacts, is, by the quality, and effectiveness of his results, both, in the immediate, as well as longer - term. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic results, what this means and represents, and, why it matters.

1. Delve deeply; determine; discover; deliver; deeds: Instead of pre - judgments, and assumptions, great leaders must, consistently, be ready, willing, and able, to delve deeply, and determine, the best path, forward! What deeds, he wishes to accomplish, and how he will deliver on his ideas, etc, differentiates between quality leaders, and the rest - of - the - pack!

2. Options; opportunities; open - mind; offering; organize: Great leaders do not have the luxury, of wasting time, and poor focus! Rather, they need to proceed, in an organized manner, and have an open - mind, so they are willing, to consider and examine, numerous, various, options and alternatives! It is essential to recognize opportunities, which, may present themselves, and/ or, make one's own opportunity, in an informed - manner!

3. Nerve; nuances/ needs; niche: Instead of letting their fears and insecurities, control them, a great leader needs the nerve, to proceed, to do, what many others, refuse to address, and resort to procrastination! He must recognize, each group has specific niches, and needs, and be ready, willing, and able, to proactively, proceed, with the nuances, to make a change, for the better!

4. Empathy; efforts; enrich; emphasis: Great leaders must proceed, with a significant degree of genuine empathy, and place, much of their emphasis, and focus, accordingly! How one does so, often determines, whether one's efforts, consistently, significantly, enrich the group, and its stakeholders!

A real leader cannot be satisfied, merely, talking - the - talk, but, rather, must clearly, show, he walks - the - walk, and has the persistence, to get, what's needed, DONE, in a well - considered, timely manner! Are you fit to lead, and up to the tasks, commitment, and responsibilities?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10516242

3 Major Differences Between New Year's Resolutions and Intentions

                                                    We have finally come to the end of another year, a year that disrupted our way of life r...