Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Why You Must Avoid Letting People Take Your Kindness For Granted


You! Yes, I am talking to you - the person who is considerate and kind. You are halfway through your life and if you look back, you have spent most of your energy on adjusting. Adjusting to other people, their requirements, their preferences, their happiness etc. You think you are doing good to them or yourself. Trust me, you are doing nothing good to them and definitely not to yourself. Let me explain why.

Let us start with them, shall we?

They are in the middle of a struggle. This struggle could be emotional, physical, psychological or whatever. Let's call this struggle 'life'. They are living their lives. They put in efforts, they fail and after a series of such fails, they start getting tired. It's not that they have given up, no matter how much it seems like so. Their struggle is on, for as long as they are alive. You think they need you, 'you' in particular. That is exactly where you make a mistake. You are nothing. They might need a different mindset, some kind of spiritual awakening, or just a nice sleep. They don't necessarily need you. They actually need a change. A change of environment, something to distract them from the negatives of that struggle called life.

When you allow yourself to be the help you think they need, you are in fact becoming that change that they want to get a head-start so that they can deal with life with more positive energy. Are you that positive energy? Oh no, like I said you were just the change, the distraction they needed so badly. Any other distraction might have replaced you if you had not been there. Even a stupid song or TV show, for instance. When you are being that change, you are presenting yourself as something that is replaceable and you will be replaced at a later stage, if not now. It's better if you stop being that change, stop being that help you think you are because you are, in fact, nothing.

Let's talk about you now. You think you are helping others and it might make you a better person. How is changing your status from being a fighter in your own life's struggle to a temporary distraction for someone else makes you a better person? They will find a way to win their fight with or without you. They have all kinds of mythological shit right there with them which are a way better and long-lasting distractions than you are. Don't believe me; go and ask those die-hard blind followers of those so-called 'holy' books or God-men.

Let us try to understand it like this. You used to be golf player; good or bad - doesn't really matter, but the important thing is you were a golf player and were playing your own game. Then one day, you saw another player struggling with his bag and clubs. You left your game in the middle and ran to become that player's caddie.

"A caddie is the person who carries a player's bag and clubs, and gives insightful advice and moral support." - Wikipedia

So do you want to be a golf player or somebody else's caddie? Like I said before, a caddie is replaceable and is there only temporarily. It doesn't matter who becomes that caddie. If you won't become that caddie, somebody else will and it would make absolutely no difference.

Don't be a caddie. Don't be like that. Don't be the change!

Hi, this is Sachin Sharma and I hope you like this article. I am an enthusiastic writer and love to share ideas for self-improvement and motivation.

For reading my posts regularly, you can visit my blog at https://sachinrsharma.com.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, please write to me at contact@sachinrsharma.com

I will soon be back with more useful posts, till then please share my posts with people you think might find these useful. Until next time...

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10532496

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

6 Tips to Organize Your Thoughts


Anything can be organized, even your thoughts. We say that we can't help the way we think, but we can! There may be things in life that we have no control over, but our thoughts are not one of them.

When a thought comes to mind, you make the choice to accept or reject that thought. Your choice may be conscious or subconscious, but either way it's your choice.

Our brains function basically like computers. They are constantly processing information; incoming thoughts and outgoing actions. At times, so many thoughts are floating around in our heads that we can't keep them all straight. If we don't purge the excess in some way, we become overwhelmed, and process this information in a much slower, less efficient way than we would like.

The list below provides 6 tips to help organize your thoughts. My hope is that these tips will provide some relief for the barrage of thoughts that come from our fast-paced lives. Clutter is clutter, whether it comes in the form of things in our homes, or the thoughts in our brains. We need to purge clutter from our brains, just like we purge clutter from our homes.

  • Document your thoughts - This seems like a simple idea and it is. There are times when we have ideas, or thoughts about a multitude of things. If you don't get those things out of your head and documented in some way, you're in danger of forgetting them, or becoming overwhelmed. Use the medium that works best for you such as - pen & paper, text message, voice message, phone app, etc.
  • Sort your thoughts - After you document all your thoughts, tasks, concerns, ideas, questions, etc., sort them into their respective categories.
  • Prioritize your thoughts - Due dates and deadlines are priorities based on importance and urgency. Many times, due dates and deadlines determine our priorities. Other times, our troubles cause us to worry, and those thoughts become our priority. Taking an action on those worrisome thoughts, however small it may be, can possibly reduce the stress, so you can purposefully re-prioritize the thought for another time.
  • Reframing a thought - Reframing refers to changing the way a thought, concept or idea is considered. This can be helpful when you are problem solving. Looking at an issue in a different way may provide a viable solution.
  • No multi-tasking - It's been determined that multi-tasking is counter-productive. When you try to perform more than one task at a time, your brain spends more time trying to switch between tasks, or thoughts. Focus on one thought at a time for optimal productivity.
  • Mental clarity - Sometimes we need a break. Thinking can be exhausting. In order to organize our thoughts, we need mental clarity. There are many ways to achieve mental clarity and it's different for all of us. Taking a walk in the fresh air does it for me. Meditation works for some, while exercise does it for others. Find something that works for you and practice it regularly.

Sally E Morgan is the owner of SOS: Simple Organized Solutions LLC. For more information on how SOS can eliminate stress and create peace of mind in your life, go to, http://www.sossimpleorganizedsolutions.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10379051

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What Music Does to Your Brain


Music has an impact on your brain and the kind of music you listen to speaks a lot about your personality. Various music genres and a person's mood reflects the way you react to a situation. Music is powerful by itself and it helps in a lot of ways to deal with situations happening in our life. It becomes a healer while in dilemma and also becomes the energy source when feeling low.

We present to you some of the effects of music and facts that may help you understand yourself and your mood.

- Your heartbeat mimics the beat of the music you're listening to.

- Fast music will make you drink faster and louder music in a bar will make you drink more in a shorter period of time.

- A song that gets stuck in your head on repeat is called an earworm.

- Listening to a happy or sad song not only affects your mood but can also change your perception of the world around you. You may recognize happiness or sadness more in others depending on the song.

- There are few activities in life that utilizes the entire brain, and music is one of them.

- Favorite songs are favorites most likely because they're associated with an intense emotional event in your life.

- Music can keep babies calm twice as long as speech.

- Learning a musical instrument can improve fine motor and reasoning skills.

- When writing, reading or studying listen to music with no vocals. It will help you concentrate better.

- While music can't cure diseases like Cancer, it can help relieve a patient's aches and pains.

- People who listen to more than one genre of music, tend to be: smarter, more creative, open-minded, and honest.

- Research shows that the Left ear is better at picking up the music and other sounds.

- A 2007 study found that music, especially classical music, helps plants grow faster.

- None of the Beatles could read or write music.

- Listening to music has the potential to have a small but significant impact on athletic performance.

- Playing music regularly will physically alter your brain structure.

- The brain responds to music the same way it responds to something that you eat.

- Music is often prescribed to patients with Parkinson's Disease and stroke victims.

A wise man once said, "Lose yourself in the sound of music, and find yourself in the peace of Yoga."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9990058

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What You Believe You Become


What do you believe about your life now? What do you believe about your potential now? If you reflect upon the number of recent tasks, projects, or goals you've begun, how many did you complete? How many from that list did you begin and then set aside, thinking there was not enough time, resources, support, or too many barriers to overcome?

If you have a record of not completing projects or tasks, do you place the responsibility upon yourself, or is it always a matter of external conditions, be it people or something else? These are important questions to consider while you begin to contemplate what it means to accomplish what's important and meaningful in your life. This is especially true for goals. If you have set goals for yourself, it means there is some outcome you hope to achieve, something or some condition you aspire to complete, often resulting in a change within your life.

As you continue your reflection, about task or goal completion, consider something even more important: What did you believe about yourself, and your capability, at the time you established your tasks, projects, and goals? Did you stop to think about whether or not you were capable of achieving what you had planned? Or did you simply establish something you thought would be possible, and begin with a sense of hope? That's usually how goals are formed, perhaps even with a sense of optimism.

The excitement of starting something new may last for a short time period, until the hard work sets in, and it becomes necessary to maintain that initial momentum or excitement. If you didn't have a supportive belief system established, the momentum may quickly fade, and the project or goal may stall. That's when the task switches from being enjoyable, to becoming a monumental chore, and the negative self-talk begins.

What's the missing element? It's the beliefs you hold. If you start out believing you can accomplish anything you decide to do, then maintaining momentum will not be as difficult. The premise is simple: You become what you believe. I'll share with you some ideas for improving your belief system, so that you are better able to start, and work towards completing, your projects and goals.

Why Do Beliefs Matter?

Beliefs matter because you always have thoughts in your mind, and you can choose what your self-talk consists of each day. Now if you have become accustomed to hearing negative self-talk, it will take some practice to change this habit. For example, if you are always criticizing yourself for past mistakes, reminding yourself of past failures, and continually pointing out flaws, then trying to establish positive beliefs is going to be challenging at first. Your working conditions may also reinforce a negative attitude, especially if you have a manager who is always focused on what they perceive to be your flaws, and never noticing your strengths or contributions to the organization.

Yet you are in control of your thoughts, and this is something you can learn to change in time. It is a practiced habit, and like all habits, it can be corrected. It's a matter of finding a new setpoint, or learning to tune out whatever might be harmful to your well-being, and stopping to think about those thoughts that help to lift you up. Everyone has flaws, and everyone has areas of development. However, this does not need to be your focal point at all times. A positive frame of reference is how you become a better person, and how you work on your areas of development. It all has to do with the development of a positive or supportive self-belief system.

Developing a Positive Self-Belief System

There are strategies I've developed over time, and shared with my students, that I recommend for you as well. These methods will help you learn to better tune into those thoughts that support you, and your efforts to develop new goals, projects, and tasks, and sustain those efforts, even during times when the work becomes challenging. I use the acronym BELIEF.

Become Your Own Sponsor: You must rely upon yourself to be supportive, even when there are times that you feel challenged by your goals, life, work, or anything else that comes along. If you begin to think negative thoughts, then you are going to view your entire life in this manner, and you are not going to be able to respond in a way that is beneficial to you. You think and act best when you self-supportive.

Elevate Yourself: As you learn to become self-supportive, you can elevate yourself by believing in yourself, despite natural doubts and questions. There is no perfect person, and you should never accept that you are expected to be perfect. Who you are is exactly who you are supposed to be, someone who is learning and growing every day. You have a capacity to continue to grow.

Like Who You Are: It is important to your well-being that you like the person you see in the mirror. Your entire disposition will change if you make a conscious decision that who you are is perfectly acceptable, even if you decide there are flaws. The imperfections you hold make you perfect. When you like yourself, you are stating that you also believe in yourself. The two go hand-in-hand. You can like yourself without having to ask for anyone's permission. This is your decision, and yours alone.

Intend to Remain Positive: There are going to be days in which you feel down, challenged, and not at your peak. This is all part of life. What you can do is intend to retain your positive disposition, for the sake of maintaining your self-resilience and determination to do your best no matter what conditions may be. This does not mean you are wearing a happy face, rather it means your outlook is hopeful and you are going to find a way to still believe in the best outlook. You will find it easier to get through those challenging days, when you have a positive disposition.

Engage in Beliefs that Challenge You: You may be holding onto existing beliefs that do not serve you well now, as you are thinking about aspects of your life that have not occurred in the manner you hoped it would. If so, this is the time to engage those beliefs, to determine not why they were developed, but to ascertain if you still need to hold onto them. Now that you are thinking about a new method of developing beliefs, it is time to begin to set aside prior beliefs, especially those that do not serve you well. It will take practice, but those old beliefs are likely keeping you stuck in the past.

Forge New Positive Beliefs: If you need help feeling better about yourself, now is the time to forge your new beliefs. You can do this by relating these beliefs to the new goals you've established. For example, if you have a goal related to your well-being, then decide what it will take to reach or attain that goal. Consider potential obstacles or barriers along the way. Then write down beliefs you will need to support the goal as well. Now practice stating those beliefs. You will now be prepared to work on your goal, and have supportive beliefs to guide you.

It's All a Matter of Focus

What you choose to focus upon matters for your well-being. If you have a negative idea, it can be cultivated into a worrisome state of mind. You can also begin with an affirmative idea, allowing it to continue until you feel good. You have an ability to think and feel better. This is the formula for beliefs as well. It's all about thinking and what you focus upon. You are the sum of what you are thinking about in this moment, which means you are the sum of what you believe about yourself. You can train yourself to think the best about yourself, which in turn means you believe the best about yourself. If you want to make changes to your life, start a new goal, or accomplish something you have dreamed of doing, develop a positive disposition and supportive belief system. What you believe about yourself, you will become through the actions you take. You control your life, through the power of your thoughts.

Dr. Bruce A. Johnson is an inspirational author, writer, and educator.

To discover resources available for educators, along with career and professional development, please visit: http://www.drbruceajohnson.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10506195

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It's Okay NOT to Be OKAY


What a fricking year this has been! We have all been battered and thrown around like a piece of driftwood in a tumultuous sea of chaos, confusion and uncertainty. It's a fact! Some of us have come out more scathed than others, but regardless it has been horrifically rough in some way for every one of us!

Depression and Anxiety are a daily experience for many and Alcohol consumption is at an all time high. Suicide rates are through the roof and school age children are experiencing spontaneous crying due to the heavy and unidentifiable emotions they are experiencing.

As we all "just keep swimming" through life as this year wraps up, I was out running some errands the other day, just to get out of my mind and my house. It was an emotionally rough day for me and it took everything I had to keep the tears from oozing out like a leaky faucet.

During one of the stops I made, the gentleman clerk asked me how I was doing. My response, with a cracked fake smile behind my mask was, "I am doing great!"

I knew it wasn't the truth, and likely, he probably would have called my BS had he known me better. Regardless, I mustered through the rest of my errands quite anxious to get back to the safe place I call home. All I wanted to do was bury myself under a blanket and pop on some Netflix to distract myself from the heavy emotion. I'm pretty sure I went to bed at 7:30 pm that night just to get the day over with.

The next morning I woke up and the brief interaction with that store clerk came to mind. I thought to myself, "No Tracy you are not fine and why would you say that you were?"

While I know that nobody want ts to hear a sob story, I certainly could have been a little more honest and vulnerable.

Then I continued to ponder what that conversation would have looked like on my end had I been 100% honest with that man, and more importantly myself.

Pardon the rant but there is a message in all of this. I actually felt 100% better after I had my little rampage. It was about honoring and acknowledging parts of myself that needed to be heard.

It would have gone a little like this...

Store Clerk: How are you doing today?

Honest Tracy: I'm NOT good, this year has sucked. It has been the worst year of my life. Things have been brutal and confusing and devastating. I have never been so beaten down as I have this last year. Everything has fallen apart and I have never felt so alone and isolated from the world.

My primary business in International Education came to a screeching standstill and I had no idea where future income would come from. My kids and myself have all gone through depression and I could barely keep my own head above water to take care of them.

My entire belief system about who I was and the world around me came crashing down. I had to face some dark shadow sides of myself and deal with so much change that I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt like I don't matter.

Important relationships of mine fell apart and left me feeling more alone than before. I have 3 kids depending on me and I can't even tell them what they want to hear. I have no family that lives anywhere near me and I have no one to count on.

It has been a real sh** show of a year and everything that I once knew in my life has changed. There is no sense of normalcy or predictability or consistency anymore and I feel like it is never going to end. I feel hopeless and helpless and just want to disappear! So, THAT'S how I am doing! NOT good! NOT good at all!

(applause from the higher beings)

Now please don't think this is the victim attitude I carry through life because I am very optimistic and grateful. My point in sending out this message is that I actually felt so much relief when I got honest.

While I did not dump all this on a stranger, I took the time to share my vulnerability and rawness with myself. I gave myself permission to talk about how sucky the last year was and the impact it has had on me.

I know most of you are like me and want to remain positive and hopeful, however, it is important to assess the impact that all of this (COVID, BLM, the riots, the fear, the fires, the election, the empty grocery store shelves, the lost jobs, the quarantines, the deaths, the broken relationships, the loneliness, the drama, the conflict) and anything else has impacted your life in any way.

So as a Self-Love Mentor, I am giving you permission to get honest, get raw, and get vulnerable with yourself. This year has sucked! This year has been hard! And this year has been like nothing else we have ever been through or ever want to go through again!

So give yourself five minutes, open a blank WORD document or pull out a piece of paper and a pen and start dumping. Have your own rampage about what you have been through. And you dont even have to limit it to 2020. You can throw in some old stuff if you need to from 10, 20 or even 40 years ago.

Let it flow and if the emotions come too, allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. This is a healing exercise that every single one of us needs right now. Get sad, get angry, get frustrated... but most importantly get HONEST! You owe this to yourself.

Encourage those around you to do the same. If you have children, let them share by writing, talking or drawing a picture. Let the energy move.

We have all been witness to a "natural disaster" and we get to process what we have been through and assess the damage. Take the time to honor yourself and your feelings. Yes, it may be uncomfortable but there is pain when you are removing the splinter that has been festering under your skin for a long time.

You are worth it! You got this and you are stronger than you think.

Sending each of you much love and encouragement and please let me know how I can support you in any way! You will get through this, this will end, and everything will be okay!

We often have hidden beliefs deep in our subconscious that prevent us from having the love, the success and the life that we truly desire. Get your FREE meditation to help uncover hidden blocks that are holding you back. [https://meditation.inspiredwisdomcoaching.com/free-meditation]

If you liked this article and are looking for more ways to make your life more positive as well as other self-improvement tips and tools, please visit our website. Check out more great articles and info at [http://www.inspiredwisdomcoaching.com]

Tracy Wills Todaro is a published author and certified Life Coach empowering clients to create and achieve their true passion. She can be reached at info@inspiredwisdomcoaching.com

Published by: Inspired Wisdom Coaching, LLC.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10387301

3 Major Differences Between New Year's Resolutions and Intentions

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