Tuesday, April 30, 2024

3 Effective Steps To Creating A Positive And Lasting Change


THE word "change", as it is often said is believed to be the one thing in life that, like the universe, constant on its axis! But for any change to be lasting, whether positive or otherwise, it would have to be consistent!

Today, there are many who desire change in their finances, relationships, marriage, emotion or physical fitness, many more who attempt to change the negative experiences in their life but whom, as it were, are feeling rather let down, disappointed and frustrated!

But why?

Probably because the change they once had wasn't constant; it was temporary and short lived! So the idea of changing that negative feeling, attitude, lifestyle or experience seems practically unattainable.

It could be going on a diet to lose some weight, getting rid of drugs, staying committed in a relationship or mastering their finances.

Whatever be the case, permit me the privilege to share the three effective principles to experiencing lasting change.

Step 1: Raise Your Standard By Putting A Demand On Yourself

A man who stands for nothing will fall for everything. Hardly has anyone experienced positive, lasting change without first raising his standard, without placing value on himself and demanding the very best of himself.

And without this nobody changes anything, whether of infinite or great significance.
The reason why many fall for everything, why they accept anything that comes their way and seems far off from achieving their goals is because they settle down for less; they compromise and tolerate what they should have given a rejection slip!

Until you raise your standard, until you put a stop from settling down for less and giving excuses, chances are that you will never change your life; you will never impact your generation.

History is made not by men who settle down for less. When we read the life of iconic figures like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr, Mahatma Gandi, Helen Keller, Rosa Park and many more whom have, despite the challenges of their decisions and time, raised their stand, placed some high value and demands upon themselves, we envied them.

We wish we were them.

However, most often what we fail to realize is the fact that the same power that was at their disposal is also at our disposals; they are blessed with the same potential as much as we are; they were able to tap from the inner resources and powers that was latent in them; and the same universe that work for them will work for use, also, only if we are ready and willing to change our life.

Step #2: Change Your Limiting Belief

Whether we realize it or not, we are all influenced by our beliefs, because we believe strongly in one thing or the other. Thus it is our negative belief system that limits us in life. Those with limiting belief becomes limited, those with empowering belief achieve the impossible!

Thus raising your standard without first uncapping your negative belief will do you little or no good. This attitude is anti-climax! It is like talking one step forward and two steps back. Your belief in anything is what gives you the conviction of what is possible or impossible, what will empower you to either try or give up on yourself.

If truly you want to tap from your inner capacity, learn to feed yourself with empowering belief, and not disempowering ones. It is your belief that will shape your life, your destiny and everything in the mix! Your thought, feeling, and experience!

Therefore, if really you want to experience lasting change, change your belief!

If you raise your standard and you don't believe that you can maintain it, no matter how hard you try you will land crash like deck of cards. But if you think you can you will, certainly, only if you belief and raise your standard.

So your conviction, which is as a result of your belief, is paramount to any lasting change you desire to see in your life.

How convinced are you that you can lose that weight? That you can stop drug? That you can be faithful to your spouse? That you can be success in your attempt on what you set your mind to achieve?

To tap into your inner powers and resources, therefore, be certain of what you want in life; belief, stay focus & be committed to it.

Step #3: Use the Power of Effective Strategy

What is your strategy to achieving the change your desire? If really you desire real change you will need a strategy to attain it.

It has been said that where there is a will there is a way.

To get your job done, therefore, you need a strategy; to get results in your pursuit in life you need a strategy; to be effective in what you do and what you will finally amount to you need a strategy. You know why?

Because effective strategy will make you achieve your goal more quickly. It would save you time, money and resources.

Need a step-by-step guide on how to effectively change your life, achieve anything to mastering every aspect of your existence? My name is M.S. Joel, Winner of Academic Scholarship Award, author, speaker and founder. You can visit my blog at http://www.msjoel-online.blogspot.com for your free yet comprehensive and easy-to-follow tutorials for effectively changing anything in your life from your finances, relationships, marriage, business, education, emotion, physical well-being and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9993518

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Many Lifelong Benefits of a Healthy, Happy Home


The gift of a child is one that parents should treasure above anything else. The chance to give your love to a child is the greatest thing that you can do in the world. I believe that some people lose sight of how much their child's well-being matters in the long run. The way you raise your child can have long-term effects on their life, and you are the most influential factor in their life.

If you cause harm to your child while they are growing up, it can cause serious psychological and physical damage for the rest of their lives. On the flip side if you raise them correctly in a healthy, happy home, they can reap benefits for a lifetime. Some of these lifelong benefits include having confidence in themselves, being a productive member of society, and also the ability to have healthy relationships with other people.

If you praise your child and shower them with love when you are raising them, it will give them confidence in themselves. Confidence can lead to many benefits in society from getting good grades, to making friends, to getting a good job. If your child does not have confidence in themselves, they might enter into a deep depression, or become a plague on society.

A healthy, happy home can also lead your child to become a productive member of society, because they will have learned the value of hard work and determination. These two values are very important in the development of a child into an adult. The final lifelong benefit of a healthy, happy home is the ability of your child to build healthy relationships throughout their lives.

If you want your child to be truly happy, then they need to know how to make friends with other people, and hopefully fall in love and get married some day. All parents should consider these benefits when they are raising their children, and make sure to put their child's interests before anything else.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/417494

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

5 Reasons Why You Should Read Books More


Modern lifestyles are hectic and a huge number of people rarely find time to relax and probably even open an interesting book for a read. With videos and games keeping everyone busy and occupied, books have been neglected by many yet they are some of the best sources of knowledge and can even help in improving your life.

Technological advancements have opened up the possibilities of actually downloading books to your device and reading whenever and wherever at your own pace. You no longer need to make your way to a book store to find a book that you like because you can easily access PDF books and even enjoy free downloads. Creating time for a nice read can be beneficial in more ways than one and below are some of the top reasons why you should embrace more book reading and include it in your schedule.

1. Reading helps improve and muscle up your memory

Reading offers the brain a different workout than the usual TV watching or listening to your stereo. When you concentrate reading, then you are able to connect all parts of the brain in a neural circuit that can be challenging and helpful at the same time. Reading is a habit that sparks the brain to concentrate and think and this helps in boosting and improving memory in the end.

2. Reading enhances your smarts

The truth is that people who read more are smarter and have a wider general knowledge compared to those who do not read at all. When you read you will find that your intelligence levels are high and you remain sharp and focused too. You will also love what reading does to your vocabulary in the long run. Fact is you will learn more when you read than when you sit and watch a movie.

3. It keeps the brain young

Reading is a creative and intellectual activity that slows down cognitive decline that comes with age. The pursuit makes your brain more efficient and changes its structure so it is able to continue functioning properly even as age sets in. Reading and other brain engaging activities like playing chess and puzzles are also great in reducing the chances of Alzheimer's diseases that is age related. Read more and keep your brain sharp and young.

4. Reading works great in reducing stress

Nothing can be worse than sitting and fussing over an issue that is stressing you up. When you pick up a good book, you are able to change your mind gears. You are able to take your mind off things that are troubling you thus greatly reducing stress levels. You will find that your mind is clearers after a read and this puts you in a better position to handle the situation and make the right decisions.

5. It helps in prioritizing life goals

Books that are about characters overcoming obstacles can end up motivating you to meet your own life goals. Identifying and relating with the characters and what they are going through helps you get into your own situation and helps you come up with great strategies of meeting the goals you have for your life.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9598314

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Why Setting Goals Is More Than It Can Be Imagined



Experts underscore the importance of setting goals, basing on priority, health of relationships, state of business growth, and financial performance in order to achieve them. This information is based on experiences, theories, and insights about human behaviour.

Pioritising goals: It is important to set goals to guide one's path to successful career and life.

Effective transformation of the self, family, group, organisation or society happen in desired period of time, if importance of the goals is determined, basing on the degree and urgency of needs.

According to Maslow (1970), human needs are ranked as follows; physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualisation needs. This is, especially so, because of the assumption that resources are scarce and must be used wisely.

Being wise means that one realises that human wants are insatiable as much as the human problems.

Indeed, anyone can be wise. But, in any given moment, or period of time, there is what can be identified as biggest problem, central action necessary to diffuse it, and resources needed to do so.

It is upon this background that planners choose to breakdown goals, according to priority or level of importance, and target each of them, accordingly, beginning with the highest in demand goals. Then, be followed by the medium and lower goals.

Changing bad habits:
First, change is a process. ‎It is widely considered natural. Missed change is a source of conflict within the individual and his or her social environment. The first step to consider in the change process is gaining insight about self, which helps to recollect, review and sieve information about behaviours and their consequences. This creates a need and goal for change of the identified habits, to learn how they evolve, to identify trigger factors associated to them, to develop systematic plans to address trigger factors, to find healthy alternatives to replace trigger factors, including the sensual drinks, environments, and people.

It is very important to regularly say words of masterly during the change course and find reinforcing groups of people and objects within one's immediate environment to support the new course of life. Changing bad habits is a self-driven and reinforced course of action.

Holding regular family councils:
Holding regular family councils has the benefit of resolving family conflicts through assimilating challenges in the socioeconomic and political environment.

Many mental health challenges, if not all, originate in families in form of child abuse, neglect, rejection, separation, and divorce, among others. These can be resolved to reduce adverse impact on character damage on the individual and society.

Assimilating socioeconomic challenges or any other environmental pressures on the individual family member can only be effectively rationalised, faced together as family or friends, organisations, and be resolved by them to reduce extremes of anxieties, stress and depression on the individual.

Avoiding debt:‎
Avoiding debt calls for commitment and utilisation of immediate resources to satisfy most important needs, since human needs cannot be fully satisfied.

Researchers presented needs as analogy of emotions, such as fear, because of the sense of insecurity.

The steps people can take to avoid debts and go on to prosper are; 1) identifying, focusing and utilising available resources to satisfy needs, investing in available resources, including skills, talents, experiences and abilities to make a living, and exercising contentment and patience, while exploiting available resources -having realised one's limits.

And 2), craving for debts is a sign of excessive anxiety, lack of contentment, and greed, which can be overcome to avoid borrowing.

Investing in the future:
Investment is a means to sustain livelihoods. It allows current resources to be valued and cost-tagged for monetary exchange at a price good that is enough accumulate wealth more quickly. This requires reduction and restriction of expenditure, and developing a mentality of saving.

Ultimately, increased savings avails monetary resources that are adequate enough to invest in a new project or expand current income-generating activities to yield higher returns.

Essentially, financial intelligence is key in undertaking investments, as well as sustaining and expanding them.

Investing in the future guarantees sustainable means of livelihood. Enhanced state of growth can be furthered to accumulate wealth in form of assets.

Income differences:
There are two major income types, namely; fixed income and variable income.
Fixed income are earnings that are not affected by external variations, like inflation, while variable income changes as external variables change. This affects performance of businesses, depending on how positive or negative or extremes the variations are. However, it is important to keep income flow stable regardless of the insecurities in the business environment, through diversification of revenue resources, research on high-value business ventures and investment in high-value business ideas. This can help create economic security in the individual business, family business, organisation understanding, or even country's development programmes.


It is possible to overcome poverty and lack or limited revenues‎ among individuals and organisations, through setting clear goals, changing habits that encourage waste and misuse of resources, wise use of resources, avoiding debts, investment in the future, and diversification of income sources. This ensures financial sustainability at both individual and organisation levels.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10480681

How To Feel Good Often, For No Other Reason Than The Feeling Itself


Become Inquisitive About Your Emotional Life

How often do you feel good, for no other reason than to experience the feelings alone? How do you create these good feelings? Do you listen to music? Exercise? Spend time with those you love or something else? I realise I'm being particular about my questions because I want you to connect with those pleasant emotions. Some people feel guilty because others might be in pain or suffering. Therefore, they feel obligated to downplay their own emotions. But this doesn't serve anyone, because feeling good about yourself can help to uplift others who are experiencing pain or suffering.

For example, think about when you're in the company of an inspiring person. How does it feel to be in their presence? Are you drawn to their charisma, energy or enthusiasm? I know when I'm around such people, I am drawn to their attractive personality. I'm not talking about a romantic attraction but the intensity of the energy the person exudes. Our vibration is one of the most powerful mechanisms we have, and learning to control it, can be a significant measure of how we connect with others. Positive and enriching emotions come not only through other people but through ourselves. There is a sense of rapture, as though time standstill when we experience flow states.

We ought to experience more positive emotions without trying to manufacture them, especially if we are sad or depressed. We must connect with all our feelings and experience them without manipulating or anaesthetising them. Our emotions are our guidance system. They are like a sonar that helps us make sense of our world and create our experience of life. The more we connect with the frequency of our emotions and how they flow through us, the richer our experience becomes. Are you happy with this understanding? Can you see that every emotion you experience is true for you? It requires feeling it honestly, instead of trying to change its path. It is about being authentic with ourselves, so we can live a rich and abundant life.

When we feel good often, for no other reason than to experience the richness of the feelings, we align with our core self. This doesn't mean we will experience positive emotions all the time, since that would be inauthentic. What I'm suggesting is we learn to play with our contrasting states, so we can pull ourselves out of negativity and move to higher emotional well-being. For example, have you ever woken up feeling out of sorts emotionally? There may be no reason for your mood, but it stains the rest of your day and you cannot shake the feeling. We must become inquisitive about our emotional life and process our emotions as honestly as we can. We can then ascend the emotional scale towards freedom, instead of disempowerment.

Connect With What Is Taking Place Inside Your Body

There are many practices and techniques to help facilitate this experience, which I encourage you to explore. If you are working with a trained therapist, they will help you find emotional stability, so you don't experience high or low points. These high or low points happen when our blood sugar rises after eating sugary foods. We experience a spike in blood glucose levels and feel energised for a short period, then our blood sugar levels drop and we are tired, lethargic and moody. The key is to regulate our emotions, so we are in control, instead of letting our emotions dictate our experience. Are you seeing that you can be in charge of your emotional well-being? It is not something you cannot change? You have the power to regulate your emotions and master how you respond to external situations.

It's worth re-stating, if you are working with a therapist, they can help you regulate your emotional well-being. For most people, feeling good often, is one of the most beautiful experiences we can have. Long ago, after a gradual awakening, I experienced moments of bliss and joy throughout the day. It felt incredible, beyond what words can describe. I wanted to hold on to these feelings and make them last, yet sometimes they were fleeting, while other times they lingered for hours, sometimes days. For example, I would walk through the park and be overcome with a sense of oneness and radiating energy of love throughout my body.

It felt strange because I didn't know how to process these feelings. I didn't know how long they would last. Other times I felt guilty, especially whilst others were experiencing pain and suffering from trauma. So, I suppressed my emotions, believing it would ease their suffering. But it didn't help them, nor me. Therefore, I learnt to regulate my emotions, so when I experienced enriching feelings, others would benefit from them. As alluded to earlier, when we are in the company of positive people, we can't help but be drawn to their radiating energy. We can learn to model ourselves on these people and create these emotional states within us. With this in mind, I'd like you to become more aware when you experience positive emotions and journal your experience. Try to connect with what is taking place inside your body. Learn to discern the subtleties of the human body, when you're feeling good. As you do, you can fill your container of life with more uplifting emotions instead of reliving negative emotions from the past.

Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10429318

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Win, Lose Or Draw, It Is All Life


Life is a process, an experience and everything in-between. The genuine loser sees it all as a convenient blame mechanism, blaming everyone else for all problems other than what is in the mirror seen there. The genuine winner is self-responsible, patient, understanding and tolerant, also they see failure as a stepping stone instead of a convenient permanent blame mechanism that others cause for them. The only middle ground is the ultimate temporary reality, your choice to be a winner or loser in the matter, that is "the draw" or "the equalizer". Sure, that sounds cold in a way, but reality works like that, however we would love to see it.

The warmth of the lie is that it is the fault of everybody else that failure happens, and that failure is permanent and success cannot happen except by "luck". If we are winners, temporary failure is simply a stepping stone to permanent success, and "cheating the system" is a temporary success at best that leads to the most permanent failure even if you "get away with it in the eyes of others" because you know that you cheated to "make it". So, the only real road and short cut is the honest road and short cut that leads to everything even if you have many temporary setbacks and seeming will power drainer mechanisms along the way that seem to say "no". The ultimate "yes" is when you genuinely succeed at what you really want, no matter what happens in between the beginning of your journey and the goal. If you quit, you lose. If you persist and change approaches, you win. Even Richard Milhous Nixon and Michael Robert Milken found this one point of reality out strongly and they redeemed themselves from being "at the bottom of the heap of reality" with negative actions under their belts made positive ultimately. So, if you believe the warmth of the lie, that failure is permanent, think again and act accordingly.

I may not be one of those super sensitive people who thinks failure is permanent after a devastating loss, but, like anyone, I hate failure when it happens. It is only human or conscious to be that way, but the difference is that I hate failure so much that I am genuinely willing to go through that hell to reverse it and get the lesson and never repeat the failure, and only do the success ultimately.

So, I admit, mastery and success are hard. Within this article is what it takes to really win meaningfully and win in a desirable way. Get it, understand it, live by it. Do not just read it, and file it under "Good article". Get real with yourself as I do myself all the time. Do not just look in the mirror and blame yourself, kick yourself in the pants in that same mirror, and get successful at all costs. You will thank yourself later as I am thanking me now. So, I end with three magic words: I am willing. That is reality. That is it.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10505988

3 Major Differences Between New Year's Resolutions and Intentions

                                                    We have finally come to the end of another year, a year that disrupted our way of life r...