Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Let Go And Something Better Will Come, I Am Following My Own Advice


Recently, I faced a crisis that does not seem so logically bad. The crisis was losing one of my portable digital players. Sure, attachment seems like a great thing while it is happening. When you lose something, especially something valuable, but indeed, replaceable. It is rather painful at the moment it happens. I mean some wild emotions go through you, especially when you are outwardly calm and collected about it.

Life goes on though, and it always pushes you to get on with it, and it goes on with or without you, frustration or not.

It does not seem fair, but then does the Bible verse "to them that have, more will be given and to those who have not, what little they have will be taken away" seem fair either?

It has to be fair though, because that is how life logically work, and illustrates exactly what I mean by "B.I.B.L.E.", Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! Sure, I could make this article all "warm and fuzzy" and less realistic, but would I be serving you honestly? No, I would not be serving you honestly and forthrightly.

Sure, I could tell you, it will be fine if you close your eyes, pray a few minutes and change your frequency simply, but that would not be honest either, it does not work for me. All I can realistically say is my own solution: Work at being better next time realistically when I have the opportunity to and do not be attached to what was lost. If it is found, wonderful, I am not against that. If it is not found and ends up replaced, especially with something better, that is even better. Indeed, though, the worst thing in life and existence is attachment.

For example, B.B. King realized that his guitar "Lucille" was replaceable as an inanimate object, but he as a person was not. If you are having the impression of thoughts I think that you are thinking from that statement, you realize how life works. As long as you genuinely exist, material things are easily replaced, the consciousness behind them is not. Sure, I could be less coldly realistic and more warm, but is life when you lose something "valuable". Only when you find it or replace it with something better is it that way in a sense, but reality rears its head: Faith without action, consciousness and conscience behind it is dead. All else is gold turning into lead. As long as reality works and you work reality, you can do what needs and wants to be done, in that order, however the mess seems to be.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10260359

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