Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Strategies for Effective Reading



Regular reading is essential for anyone. It will help one to develop his/her knowledge, skills or attitude. It is often done for different purposes by different groups of people. Some read for advancing their knowledge; some others do it for improving their language skills; another section of people do it just for pleasure. Whatever be the purpose, the habit helps everyone in improving his/her personality in many ways.

Students and academics usually pay little attention to assess how bad they read. They do not, in normal case, assess how well they can improve the speed of their reading. Speed of one's reading can lead to improvement in learning effectiveness. Learning to read well is an essential skill every academic should develop systematically.

The reading habit helps everyone build up his/her personality in many ways. Choosing the right text or material to read is the first thing. Reading for academic purposes is strenuous. Students need to focus on understanding the contents of the material in depth. But reading for pleasure tends to be light. The latter does require less concentration and can be done at an average speed of 100-200 words per minute. Prior knowledge of the subject is a key element of effective reading comprehension.

There is a practice for some people to read word by word. It is better to focus on reading phrases rather than just words while reading. Reading the material as phrases allows one's brain to process the reading input as 'ideas or phrases'.

Reading Strategies

There are different types of techniques for reading. For improving the rate, one should practice skimmingscanning or previewing as a reading strategy. The method should be chosen as the reading material and purpose demand.

The first one is skimming. It is reading rapidly for gathering the main points. In this process, the reader reads quickly to gain a general idea. The reader understands the whole text without reading it from first to last or word to word. The technique may allow you to read up to 1000 words a minute. In this process, the key ideas of a text is gathered by reading first and last paragraphs, topic sentences, and other parts like titles, abstracts, summary of chapters, photograph captions, etc.

In skimming, the practice is to identify whether to read or not, what to read carefully, and which place is the right one to begin with. If you skim through a text before you read it, it will help you understand the material better.

In scanning, the practice is to read rapidly to find out a specific piece of information. It is a technique that anyone can employ to find out specific information, facts or ideas without reading the whole text. Scanning may help you examine up to 1,500 words a minute. The purpose of scanning a text is to evaluate the relevance of the material. Scanning is to be done before skimming. It will help you determine whether a material carries the information the reader wants. Once a resource is scanned, it can then be skimmed for further details.

Surface reading is yet another process of reading. It is used to find the 'information words' from the text you read. Half of the words in a material are "information" words. They alone make sense of the material. The other words in it works like glue and paint. They provide connections but are not essential for making out the meaning. Concentrating on information words may help you read faster. The comprehension will also be better. Paying more attention to what the author is trying to say is the essence of this type of reading.

Extensive reading is reading a longer text, often for pleasure with emphasis on overall meaning. But intensive reading is reading a short text for detailed information. Phrase reading is yet another process.

Process of Rapid Reading

The process of reading results in a series of eye jerks, known as 'fixations'. During fixations, the eyes take in words for comprehension. Slow readers take in only one or two words in each fixation. Increase the words in each fixation by continuous practice. You will be able to gather more number of words in each fixation. Therefore, you have to practise reading the sentences without eye jerks, but with smooth movement of eyes from one to another. One can practice this strategy with conscious effort.

Marking important points in the text is good for learning. Underlining or highlighting key words, and making notes in margins etc., can improve speed in reading. Making marks in texts such as underlining the sentences can help you in improving concentration, in identifying key points and in making the book easier to survey, if you prefer to do so.

Other Points to Remember

Note taking always supports reading comprehension. Taking down essential points is what you do in note taking. Note-taking during reading or listening can help you gain deeper understanding and reflection of the text you read. It can help you remember or recollect easily what you have read. Summarizing what the reader has learned is another way to improve their overall comprehension of text.

Language proficiency will help you read better. Reading, on the other hand, will help your proficiency in language skills. Mastering the basic 3,000 or more words, which constitute approximately 80 percent of texts in English you normally use, can aid you in reading, understanding and learning any material on any subject in English, easily. Extensive reading, comprehension skills, reading fluency, and vocabulary building, are all integral ingredients of advancement of knowledge.

Active readers, with clear goals for reading, can become good learners. They regularly evaluate whether the text and their reading practice meet their goals. Good readers scan the text before they read. They get to know what the structure of the text is and what sections of the text are relevant to them. Good readers can make predictions about what is to come. They choose what to read carefully, what to read quickly, what to re-read, what not to read, and so on. Good readers read different texts differently. They evaluate the text's quality and value, and respond to the text intelligently.

K Rajasekharan,
Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA),

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8356743

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

5 Reasons Why Hiring a Coach Is Important


We as humans are constantly evolving and trying to be our best version possible. At some point of time in life, we need to take different actions to get life-altering results. The intensity of the situation will demand formal coaching or self-coaching which will take you to your desired destination. There are two ways any individual could approach this, either by hiring an expert or doing it yourself which largely depends on how motivated and passionate you are and your attitude to the challenges that you face in your journey.

1. A Coach Keeps You Accountable

How many times have you made New Year resolutions only to realize mid-way that it was never taken seriously? As humans, we have a tendency to take self-growth and personal development for granted or for that matter get bogged down by monotony unless and until your passion drives you to insanity and motivates you to reach your peak.

A coach keeps you accountable and answerable. You start taking daily actions to achieve your goals and as a result, you are able to achieve timely goals and you have a control over your life.

2. You Can Take Charge of Your Life

There are only 2 things that happen to an individual. Either you take a control of your life or by default life takes a toll on you. Recall any tough situation in your life, either you gave in to the situation or you fought back. Any chronic illness, financial adversity, disheartening or weakening relationships either we hold our heads up and fight against all odds or give up if we are not strong enough. A coach will never allow you to quit on your dreams no matter how tough the situation would be. A coach helps you to plan, strategize, execute and monitor your daily, weekly and monthly progress. So the results are tangible which helps you to stay motivated to achieve goals in any walk of life be it your career or finances.

3. Acts as a Catalyst in Your Growth

A coach is selfless and non-judgmental. He is genuinely interested in your personal growth and development. That is his nature of services offered or for that matter that is his job, his bread and butter. He at no time will put you or his consulting business in jeopardy as his practice will only grow if he satisfies you to the best of his ability. It is his duty to show you the mirror and thereby design a foolproof strategy that can make you vigilant, active and most important put you to action.
4. Helps You to Accelerate Your Progress

How many times you know what you want but don't know where to start? How to kick-start your journey? And you keep circling in this vicious cycle of thoughts only to realize that you just ended up wasting a lot of time in only thinking but resulted in zero percent execution.

If you want to fast-track any area of your life the best way is to hire a coach. It could be a business coach, a life coach or for that matter your fitness coach. A coach helps you to cut off the crap and work on what is needed. They address your specific concerns. It is all about experiential learning that will help you to progress and eliminate all the 'ifs' and 'buts' from your life. Most important there is absolutely no time spent on trial and error as the coach knows what is right for you and will put you on track right from day one. A lot of time is otherwise spent on trying out different options which many a time leads to disharmony and ends up in losing focus on your final destination.

5. Motivates You During an Emotional Meltdown

This is not right for me. I am not good at this. This is not my cup of tea. I think I should quit.

You feel low, disheartened, exhausted and irritable and decision-making becomes difficult.

As individuals we all go through rough patches in our lives, we all have our share of ups and downs. But what matters most is your attitude to the adversities that you are facing, how are you dealing with it? A coach helps you to overcome any negative thoughts that you experience and stands by you and makes sure that you stay rock solid no matter how difficult the situation could be. He acts like your support system to keep you intact mentally and emotionally.

Do it Yourself is too a great option if you are self-motivated, you enjoy doing things at your own pace and are not willing to invest in a trainer. But time is the watchword here, are you achieving your goals on time? Are you consistent and persistent? That is what sets you apart and makes you remarkable. Most important do you know where you need to start from? Many individuals know what they want but do not have the clarity on the route to their destination.

Do you know what are the action steps to be taken on a daily basis to reach your goals? If yes, you could go ahead with doing it yourself vs. hiring a coach.

I hope this blog will help you to decide what the best option for you is.

Stay tuned for my next blog on how to be self-motivated all the time. And if you have any questions please visit Personality Development Classes

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9992042

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

How To Use Gratitude To Make Yourself Live More Positive


When you make gratitude the focus of your daily interactions with others, each action you perform will be rooted in thanksgiving. You can do this if you make your day to day activities and actions thankful, deliberate and purposeful. It will help you can make your life more positive and achieve more success in your daily projects. Here are a few tips and strategies to do this.

Do you take time to appreciate the simple blessings in your life? Do you express gratitude for the opportunity to serve others through your work? Do you remind yourself when you step into your office that having a job is something a lot of people are looking for right now? You have to choose to move through life with a grateful mindset. This will help you to focus on the positive side of life. In which situations is it difficult for you to stay focused on being thankful?

What do you do during your interactions with others? How do you use your positive mindset to counteract negative energy from others? Before you greet a friend or stranger, do you express gratitude that you are able to see them and speak with them. Your initial expressions can set a positive tone for your conversation. or negative one. The problem with a negative tone is that it sets you up for conversational stress. Don't do it because when you invite stress into your life, through negative interactions the damage to your self-esteem, health and productivity.

When the simple blessings of life are apparent to you with each step that you take, you will appreciate simple things like the ability to breathe, walk and enjoy the taste of food. This can motivate you to move deliberately and with gusto in your daily activities and projects. You have to learn to avoid self-pity and avoid moping around even when you are feeling down. Let your steps be guided by gratitude, instead of anger and envy.

What is your level of family wellness? Though staying calm when you discipline your children is sometimes challenging, it becomes easier and less stressful when you remind yourself that kids are precious gifts who deserve proper guidance. Keep your mission clear when teaching them life lessons. When they know how much of a blessing they are, you job is well done.

What are some of things you are thankful for? Make giving thanks is a natural part of your daily life. You can celebrate opportunities to show your grateful mindset. Recognizing the goodness in life allows you to live happily and peacefully. This should be part of your process of self-mastery and relentless improvement!

Now that you have learned about some of the ways to make gratitude part of your daily life, please get more tips and strategies for optimal health, self-mastery and relentless self- improvement from Dala Compass Academy

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10416218

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How Leaders Must HANDLE Obstacles?


Every organization, at some point, faces some obstacles, and, when their leaders, perceive and conceive of these, as challenges, instead of problems, the group, nearly, always, benefits, both, in the immediate, as well as longer - term! How someone approaches, and HANDLE obstacles often, differentiates between a real leader, and the rest - of - the - pack! After, over four decades of personal involvement, in, nearly, everything related to effectively, leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing and consulting to well - over, a thousand actual, and/ or perceived leaders, to serving and representing groups, on several occasions, as their leader, I believe, strongly, properly - identified and trained individuals, invariably, are best - prepared, to make a difference, for the better! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Humane; healing; head/ heart: Don't become a leader, if you aren't humane, and willing to serve others, first, instead of prioritizing any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest! Great leadership comes from meaningful healing, rather than proceeding, in an adversarial, polarizing way! To do so, requires balancing one's emotional and logical components, in a head/ heart balance!

2. Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate; actions: A realistic, but, positive, can - do, attitude, is a necessary ingredient, in becoming a meaningful leader! When this aligns with developing the relevant, well - considered, aptitude, and skill - set, and consistently, paying keen attention, to the bigger - picture, as well as the details, and proceeds, to take actions, to maximize the possibilities, everyone benefits! Be prepared to articulate a message, which others, are inspired and motivated, by!

3. Needs; nerve: While it is essential to address true needs, and priorities, it often takes having the nerve, to proceed, forward, when others, seem to lack the necessary degree of self - confidence, to get things done, in a well - considered, timely manner!

4. Delve deeply; discover; deliver; destiny: Go beyond the surface, and delve deeply, into the possibilities, and discover, the best path, to deliver the greatest, possible group, moving forward! Would your leading, enhance the specific group's destiny?

5. Listen; learn; lessons; leadership: Admit, no one has all the answers, so take the time, and make a concerted effort, to effectively, listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience. Only, then, will your leadership, make a difference, for the better!

6. Empathy; emphasis; efforts; excellence; endurance; enrich; energy/ energize: Great leaders must have a high degree of genuine empathy, and place their emphasis, accordingly! Then, their efforts, combined with endurance, have the greatest possibility, to enrich the specific organization! When an individual demonstrates significant, personal energy, and energizes, others, by consistently, demanding his utmost degree of genuine excellence, rather than settling for good - enough!

How one handles and considers potential OBSTACLES, generally, determines, their impact on their group? Are you, up to the tasks and responsibilities?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10521546

3 Major Differences Between New Year's Resolutions and Intentions

                                                    We have finally come to the end of another year, a year that disrupted our way of life r...