Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How Leaders Must HANDLE Obstacles?


Every organization, at some point, faces some obstacles, and, when their leaders, perceive and conceive of these, as challenges, instead of problems, the group, nearly, always, benefits, both, in the immediate, as well as longer - term! How someone approaches, and HANDLE obstacles often, differentiates between a real leader, and the rest - of - the - pack! After, over four decades of personal involvement, in, nearly, everything related to effectively, leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing and consulting to well - over, a thousand actual, and/ or perceived leaders, to serving and representing groups, on several occasions, as their leader, I believe, strongly, properly - identified and trained individuals, invariably, are best - prepared, to make a difference, for the better! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Humane; healing; head/ heart: Don't become a leader, if you aren't humane, and willing to serve others, first, instead of prioritizing any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest! Great leadership comes from meaningful healing, rather than proceeding, in an adversarial, polarizing way! To do so, requires balancing one's emotional and logical components, in a head/ heart balance!

2. Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate; actions: A realistic, but, positive, can - do, attitude, is a necessary ingredient, in becoming a meaningful leader! When this aligns with developing the relevant, well - considered, aptitude, and skill - set, and consistently, paying keen attention, to the bigger - picture, as well as the details, and proceeds, to take actions, to maximize the possibilities, everyone benefits! Be prepared to articulate a message, which others, are inspired and motivated, by!

3. Needs; nerve: While it is essential to address true needs, and priorities, it often takes having the nerve, to proceed, forward, when others, seem to lack the necessary degree of self - confidence, to get things done, in a well - considered, timely manner!

4. Delve deeply; discover; deliver; destiny: Go beyond the surface, and delve deeply, into the possibilities, and discover, the best path, to deliver the greatest, possible group, moving forward! Would your leading, enhance the specific group's destiny?

5. Listen; learn; lessons; leadership: Admit, no one has all the answers, so take the time, and make a concerted effort, to effectively, listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience. Only, then, will your leadership, make a difference, for the better!

6. Empathy; emphasis; efforts; excellence; endurance; enrich; energy/ energize: Great leaders must have a high degree of genuine empathy, and place their emphasis, accordingly! Then, their efforts, combined with endurance, have the greatest possibility, to enrich the specific organization! When an individual demonstrates significant, personal energy, and energizes, others, by consistently, demanding his utmost degree of genuine excellence, rather than settling for good - enough!

How one handles and considers potential OBSTACLES, generally, determines, their impact on their group? Are you, up to the tasks and responsibilities?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10521546

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