Tuesday, December 31, 2024

You Can't Reach What's In Front Of You Until You Let Go Of What's Behind You


The major problem many people faced is looking back. Because of this reason, they fail to focus on their goals ahead; thereby, failing in the process to attain them. An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in their understanding of things. They are open to suggestions and are always have a room for improvement.

Do you think that a beautiful house, new clothes, high-paying jobs, money in the bank or a new man in your life will give you the happiness you crave? It is wonderful to choose these as goals but never allow your happiness to depend on them. You have the power to determine your own happiness by letting go of the things or people who don't serve you; the people and things in your life who are causing you too much unhappiness. In other words, get rid of the toxic people in your life.

Desperately trying so hard, expecting things to be different, needing that acceptance and love will only leave you feeling hopeless, sad and completely worthless. Once you start to let go of all these things, your life will also start to change.

Mostly, it is people's mindset that to survive and remain happy, they need many people in life. They forget that they just need few real people in life who can appreciate them for what they truly are. Such people are a very valuable assets in life. They are much better than the fake people who come into our lives who will only use us and will never be available when we need them.

We cannot control the people, our surroundings or our destiny so let go of trying to make others do things the way we want them. Start taking control of your own life. Remember, life is what we make it.

Never, ever be judgmental. It can only cloud your own judgment. Letting go of this negative trait will allow your mind to be open in making clear decisions that are right for you.Nobody is perfect.

Most often than not, we become so attached to people we hate and cause us too much stress. Be aware of where you are placing your energy, the more you put into people who don't serve you well, the more drained and unhappy you feel. Consciously make an effort to spend less time with these people even if you are living with them.

We need to get out of our comfort zones. If you don't get out of your shell, you will never grow. You will never experience a full life and you will never have a broader horizon! Allow your comfort zone to be there for you BUT don't let it become your prison.

Let go of your mistakes in the past. Learn from them,and be the person who won't make them again in the future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10517751

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Great Leaders Prepare To SEIZE The Moment!


One of the key differences, between the finest leaders, and the rest - of - the - pack, is, the greatest ones are consistently, ready, willing, able, and as prepared, as possible, to SEIZE the moment, when obstacles present themselves, etc! After, over four decades of involvement, in, nearly, everything, involved with/ related to, effectively leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving, on several occasions, personally, as a leader, I strongly believe, one of the greatest challenges, to finding the right person, for positions, is, knowing, in - advance, how one will be prepared, and/ or, react to any obstacle! While the best ones, perceive these, as obstacles to overcome, and proceed, proactively, many others, consider them, as problems, and resort to procrastination! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. See symptoms; solutions; service; sustainable; systems: How can anyone, get what is needed, performed, unless/ until, he sees the symptoms, and proactively, plans, the finest, strategic and action plan, into the future! Service must be the highest priority, and, one must have the ability to perceive and conceive of options and alternatives, as well as potential ramifications, etc, and implement the best systems, for the specific organization, at this point - in - time! A true leader realizes his solutions must, not - only, address current obstacles, but, he proceeds, in the most relevant, and sustainable manner!

2. Empathy; efforts; emphasis; excellence: It is important to fully understand, and consider, the perceptions, needs, and priorities, of one's stakeholders, and proceed, with genuine empathy! He must place his efforts, and emphasis, accordingly, and, instead of settling for good - enough, and remaining within the boundaries of any, self - imposed, comfort zone, but, must proceed, in a way, where he demands the utmost degree of his personal excellence, consistently!

3. Integrity; ideals/ ideology; ideas; innovate; imagination: There is no, true leadership, without, absolute integrity! It is incumbent - upon, a real leader, to align quality ideals, with well - considered, ideas, and the core ideology, of the specific organization! A great leader knows when something, is working, as well as it can, versus, being ready, willing, and able to innovate, when necessary, proceeding with a well - considered, and developed, imagination!

4. Zero - based; zeal: Leaders must pay keen attention to how, to achieve their objectives, in a realistic way, by maximizing, the, bang - for - the - buck! This means taking advantage of zero - based budgeting, rather than, merely, passing - the - buck, to future generations! When this is the approach, and a leader, has, true - zeal, it inspires and motivates his group, for the greater good, etc!

5. Endurance; enrich; earn the trust: If you hope to be a real leader, you must be able to inspire stakeholders, to get more involved, and committed, and be willing to seek a meeting - of - the - minds, for the greater good! This approach will earn the trust of others, because, you are setting the example, for others to seek! Obviously, enriching an organization, requires significant endurance, and persistence!

If you hope to effectively, lead, you must be prepared to SEIZE the moment, and use opportunities, to make the group, more relevant and sustainable! Are you, up to the tasks?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10539315

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Dances With Problems


A couple of months ago, I had to get blood work done to check on my thyroid.

It's not a big deal. Just something I have to live with given that I have hypothyroidism.

I admit that it can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

The wait can be long.

And being inside a healthcare facility at any point during pandemic can be nerve-wracking.


It can also sometimes provide cool opportunities.

Happily, fate smiled on me and dealt me a good hand last time I was there.

I masked up. Put my sunglasses on (at the time it was summer in Tucson, Arizona, so they were essential equipment)

And I dragged myself through the blistering heat into the Campus Health part of campus.

I went up the stairs to the relevant lab area, checked in, and sat down at a social distance from other patients.

It was here that I overheard a thought voiced by a fellow patient in the waiting room that made me crack a smile and set me off on the path to reflection.

It was a thought that came from an office-type in a suit as he was talking on the phone.

"Man, I'm telling you... I feel like if only I found the right girl... then all my problems would be solved. Then I would FINALLY be happy."

As I heard him utter this phrase, I couldn't help but crack a knowing smile.

You see, I've heard many different versions of this thought throughout my life.

"If only I found the right person...

"If only I found the right house...

"If only found the right job...

... Then everything would finally click!"

... Then all my problems would be solved"

... Then I would finally be happy"

Many of us tell ourselves a version of this tempting thought.

Or often get fed version of this.

But I figured out a while ago (by thinking hard about the philosophy of happiness) that this thought may be tempting. But it is simply not true.

Let me tell you right here. Right now.

There is NOTHING in this world that can get rid of ALL your problems.

And even if there were, this would only be a temporary fix.

Days, months, or weeks later, new problems will inevitably arise.

Problems that you could not have foreseen. And that you will have to deal with.

To live IS to have problems.

So, you'll never be truly happy by trying to get rid of all your problems.

You'll only be chasing a false peace that will never fill you.

Rather, the key to being truly happy is to Learn to DANCE with the Problems

To learn to take on the challenges that life inevitably brings you in a way that you find meaning and joy in.

Now, unfortunately, I got called in for my appointment before I could teach this dude in a suit this key lesson about the philosophy of happiness.

(I had genuinely thought of sharing this reflection with him once he got off the phone--I like to talk to strangers--but alas, it was not meant to be)

Still, YOU get to reap the benefits of this reflection! Even if he doesn't.

True happiness lies in accepting that there will always be problems and learning to dance with them.

It will never come from lamenting that there are and trying to get rid of them.

So, next time you find yourself facing a problem in your life, and you're finding it frustrating. Stop yourself.

Take a moment.

And think of how you can reconceptualize the problem as an opportunity for growth.

Not as a burden to get rid of. But as a challenge.

A gift that life is offering you.

Giving you problems is not how the world gets in your way.

It's how the world CALLS YOU TO ACTION.

It's how the world paves the way for you to become EVEN better.

So, next time you're facing a problem, consciously try to answer the call with joy. With purpose. With excitement. By appreciating it for what it is.

A chance for you to get even more out of life... if you'll take it as such.

Hope you have fun turning problems into fuel for a better future self!

Santi Sanchez is a Ph.D. in Philosophy. He has spent almost twenty years dedicating his life to philosophical research and practice in order to figure out what makes a life truly good and how to make it even better.

If you're interested in this and other ways to use philosophy to improve your life, download my free Philosophical Guide to Building a Truly Good Life On Your Own Terms right here: https://www.promiseofphilosophy.com/free-guide-to-truly-good-life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10504155

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Persistence Is the Key


The people who become the leaders of their lives rather than going with the flow and accepting the scraps that life tosses them understand the power of persistence.

Earl Nightingale, American radio speaker and author says, "Sometimes it appears that there is a hidden guide someplace whose duty it is to test men and women through all sorts of discouraging experiences. Those who pick themselves up and keep trying after getting knocked down arrive. It's an uncanny thing, but it works. And this hidden guide lets no one enjoy great achievement without passing the persistence test, it seems. And those who can't take it simply don't make the grade." (From Earl Nightingale's book "Transformational Living")

Nightingale continues, "And those who can take it are bountifully rewarded for their persistence. They receive as their compensation whatever goal they're pursuing. And that's not all, because they receive something infinitely more important than material compensation, although they get that. But they get the knowledge that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. There are exceptions to this rule. A few people know from experience the soundness of persistence. They're the ones who have not accepted defeat as being anything more than temporary. They're the ones whose desires are so persistently applied that defeat has finally changed into victory."

W. Clement Stone tells the story of Tom, "who was born without half of a right foot and only a stub of a right arm. As a boy, he wanted to engage in sports as the other boys did. He had a burning desire to play football. Because of this desire, his parents had an artificial foot made for him. It was made of wood. The wooden foot was encased in a special stubby football shoe. Hour after hour, day after day, he would practice kicking the football with his wooden foot. He would try, and keep on trying, to make field goals from great distances. He became so proficient that he was hired by the New Orleans Saints."

Nightingale says, "what would you say a person's chances of playing professional football were if he were born without half of a right foot and a withered arm?"

66,910 football fans could be heard screaming "when Tom Dempsey with his crippled leg, kicked the longest field goal ever kicked in a professional football game, within the last two seconds of the game, to give the Saints a winning score of nineteen to seventeen over the Detroit Lions."

Detroit Coach Joseph Schmidt said, "We were beaten by a miracle."

The truth of the matter was "they were beaten by perseverance."

Tom Dempsey was persistent and willing to do the hard work to reach his goal. He fell in love with the process of being the best kicker he could be. Even though he had different abilities than his teammates; he was determined, with a positive attitude, always looking forward!

How strong is your burning desire to reach your goal? If you created a 3 step process, what would that look like? What is your first step?

Gayle Benson, Saints owner says, "Tom's life spoke directly to the power of the human spirit and exemplified his resolute determination to not allow setbacks to impede following his dreams and aspirations. He exemplified the same fight and fortitude in recent years as he battled valiantly against illnesses but never wavered and kept his trademark sense of humor. He holds a special place in the hearts and minds of the Saints family."

Tom Dempsey continued to be an inspiration to others until his death in 2020, and his legacy lives on.

All of us have felt the pang of regret when we've given up on a difficult task, knowing that we have somehow short-changed our true potential. Conversely, most of us have felt the joy of a hard-earned victory when the future seemed bleak.

Earl Nightingale, read "about the great Knute Rockne of Notre Dame who believed and applied, the rewards of persistence"

"He had a blood clot in one leg, and his doctors told him if that blood clot broke free, it could kill him if it landed in his heart, brain, or lungs. But the Notre Dame team was playing far from home that day, and he insisted on being taken to the game on a stretcher. So, they got him to where the game was to be played. And they took him down to the dressing room where his football players were getting ready for the game. And the perspiration was running down his face and he was in terrible pain and he propped himself up on his elbows with a tremendous effort and said, "This team you're playing today beat us last year."

"I want you to get out there and win." He then said, "The team that won't be beat, can't be beat."

Rockne "then fell back on his stretcher, out of breath and suffering terribly, and the team went out and won the game, and they never lost another game as long as Knute Rockne was alive, because when they saw the type of courage that he could develop, how persistently he fought to win even though he was flat on his back, it made giants out of men."

Nightingale: "And people that stand on the sidelines of life see the overwhelmingly large number who go down in defeat, never to rise again. They see the few who take the punishment of defeat as an urge to greater effort. And these fortunately never learn to accept life's reverse gear, but what we don't see, what most of us never suspected existed, is the silent but irresistible power which comes to the rescue of those who fight on in the face of discouragement."

"Now if we speak of this power at all, we call it persistence and let it go at that. One thing we all know, if one does not possess persistence, one cannot achieve any noteworthy success in any calling."

To reach your goal or dream ask yourself these three questions:

1) Do you have a burning desire to reach your goal or dream?

2) What is your step by step process for reaching your goal or dream?

3) Are you willing to be persistent and do the work like Tom Dempsey?

Madeline Frank, Ph.D., is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, speaker, business owner, teacher, concert artist, and parent. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Business". Her observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your business successful. Her latest book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget" is available everywhere books are sold. If you need a virtual speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10503510

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