One of the key differences, between the finest leaders, and the rest - of - the - pack, is, the greatest ones are consistently, ready, willing, able, and as prepared, as possible, to SEIZE the moment, when obstacles present themselves, etc! After, over four decades of involvement, in, nearly, everything, involved with/ related to, effectively leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving, on several occasions, personally, as a leader, I strongly believe, one of the greatest challenges, to finding the right person, for positions, is, knowing, in - advance, how one will be prepared, and/ or, react to any obstacle! While the best ones, perceive these, as obstacles to overcome, and proceed, proactively, many others, consider them, as problems, and resort to procrastination! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. See symptoms; solutions; service; sustainable; systems: How can anyone, get what is needed, performed, unless/ until, he sees the symptoms, and proactively, plans, the finest, strategic and action plan, into the future! Service must be the highest priority, and, one must have the ability to perceive and conceive of options and alternatives, as well as potential ramifications, etc, and implement the best systems, for the specific organization, at this point - in - time! A true leader realizes his solutions must, not - only, address current obstacles, but, he proceeds, in the most relevant, and sustainable manner!
2. Empathy; efforts; emphasis; excellence: It is important to fully understand, and consider, the perceptions, needs, and priorities, of one's stakeholders, and proceed, with genuine empathy! He must place his efforts, and emphasis, accordingly, and, instead of settling for good - enough, and remaining within the boundaries of any, self - imposed, comfort zone, but, must proceed, in a way, where he demands the utmost degree of his personal excellence, consistently!
3. Integrity; ideals/ ideology; ideas; innovate; imagination: There is no, true leadership, without, absolute integrity! It is incumbent - upon, a real leader, to align quality ideals, with well - considered, ideas, and the core ideology, of the specific organization! A great leader knows when something, is working, as well as it can, versus, being ready, willing, and able to innovate, when necessary, proceeding with a well - considered, and developed, imagination!
4. Zero - based; zeal: Leaders must pay keen attention to how, to achieve their objectives, in a realistic way, by maximizing, the, bang - for - the - buck! This means taking advantage of zero - based budgeting, rather than, merely, passing - the - buck, to future generations! When this is the approach, and a leader, has, true - zeal, it inspires and motivates his group, for the greater good, etc!
5. Endurance; enrich; earn the trust: If you hope to be a real leader, you must be able to inspire stakeholders, to get more involved, and committed, and be willing to seek a meeting - of - the - minds, for the greater good! This approach will earn the trust of others, because, you are setting the example, for others to seek! Obviously, enriching an organization, requires significant endurance, and persistence!
If you hope to effectively, lead, you must be prepared to SEIZE the moment, and use opportunities, to make the group, more relevant and sustainable! Are you, up to the tasks?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
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